Business Essay Examples and Research Papers Page 86
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Essay Examples
Essay topics
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Topics and ideas for business essay
Is merging better for a business than being acquired?
The quality of effective leadership is the wholly innate one.
Businesses need to exploit the labor market to improve profits.
Name some techniques for evaluating employee performance.
Describe some ways for empowering employees.
What biases can pertain to promotions?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of impromptu business downsizing?
When companies merge, what are the benefits?
Do businesses need to exploit the workforce to make more profits?
Is the revenue amount within labors a measure to know their loyalty?
Are salaries dependent on motivating employees?
How is it good or bad to exclude from antitrust legislation?
How age discrimination impacts the workplace?
Why are maternity leaves important in all the countries?
Why do companies demand signing contracts before joining?
What are the reasons behind sexual harassment and the ways to curb it?
What are charters and copyrights, and how they safeguard the organizations.
Promotions and advertisements take a business onto the next level
On-job training is important and significant for every employee
Appraisal acts in favor of employee’s skill development
Showing personal power in business is foolish- true or false?
High retention is the effect of employee engagement
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What is Business?
Business is an activity carried out by entrepreneurial entities for the purpose of obtaining material profit. And the risks and responsibility for possible failures in the business process fall on the shoulders of these entrepreneurs.
Let’s not forget that business is a huge responsibility.
But the question continues to plague me: “What is a business from a practical point of view?” For example, is a car manufacturing plant a business? I think it is. Okay. But what if an entrepreneur has a place in the marketplace-a table a foot and a half long? Is he a business, too, or is he just out for a smoke? He’s probably in business, too. Okay!
What’s the income of a car factory owner? And what is the income of a market trader? And by the way, is it possible to earn more money working for an “uncle” than a market trader? I know for a fact that you can. Then I do not understand why I need this business! Why do I need the extra headache, the extra responsibility, and the risks? In essence, becoming an entrepreneur, I gain a kind of freedom from my “uncle”, but along with this freedom I get a whole “bouquet” of additional problems and worries. Why do I need it?
Why did I bring up this topic? And because it is now best seen the essence and prospects of various types of entrepreneurial activity. Remember:
Bad is the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general.
If we make an analogy with businessmen, the idea takes the following form:
Bad is the entrepreneur who has no strategy for the further development of his business.
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