Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal

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The United States asserts the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of women in the labor force rose from 41% in 1967 to 60% in 1999, before marginally dropping to 58.1% in 2011 ‘(Browne, N.D.). People of varying ethnic backgrounds have also increased, along with women having an increasing presence in the workforce. Mainly due to diversity and inclusion, the workplace has changed dramatically. While technology was the main driving force in transforming the workforce, the workplace dynamics have also changed significantly since the 1970s. There are more women, Hispanics, and older employees who have postponed retirement in today’s workforce. Colored people made up 36 percent of the labor force as of June 2012, and per the Center for American Progress (Burns, Barton, and Kerby, 2012).

Over recent decades, immigrants have increased greatly, so the labor force in the USA is increasingly diversifying. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that, due to the baby-boom generation, older workers will make up a significant proportion of the labor force over the next two decades. ‘The age group of 55 and over, comprising 13% of the population in 2000, is expected to grow to 20% by 2020. By 2050, 19% of the workforce will be represented by that of the group ‘(Toossi, 2002). The modern world has been shaped by diversity. The changing workplace has shaped and continues to affect modern society to be more diverse. The workforce can be easily seen change through the lens of history. Using history’s lens we recognize that there have been significantly fewer women, blacks, and older employees in the 1970s who occupied the workforce. ‘Humanities include literature, philosophy, history, human geography, law, politics, culture, and art (Wikipedia, 2019). Clearly, humanities have influenced the workforce through diversity through the diverse modern languages, law, politics, culture, and more that are being used by workers.

An individual of the Catholic faith from Central America and a person of Muslim faith in the United States will naturally produce a diverse infant with access to both nationalities, races, cultures, languages, etc. The individual’s biology is diversity in and of itself, and that person will join the workforce one day. Empirically, social scientists have been shown that diversity supports positive societal outcomes— from productive workplaces to effective educational institutions and a strong scientific undertaking (Shin, 2017).

The past is the history of the ancestors of humanity. Items such as books, journals, magazines, diaries, photos, paintings, artifacts, verbal testimonies are used by historians to trace occurrences and look for trends. They are ‘concerned about causality, that is why those things have occurred as they have happened, and how they are associated with earlier events’ (History, 2017, para 1). Since the 1970s, the workforce has changed significantly; there have been significantly fewer women, blacks, and older workers. History has taught us that since the days of slavery and apartheid, men have evolved a lot. The United States Declaration of Independence states life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This intends to be welcomed and to be inclusive The U.S. is headed there. There has been a significant increase in immigration, a large increase in individuals ‘ coming out of the closet,’ people being able to articulate themselves, and businesses are increasingly changing to evolve with the times.

Humanities are ‘disciplines involving the study of distinctly human acts and works; for example, history, philology (language, literature, linguistics), psychology, theology, and ancient studies’ (Cosgrove, 2009, para. 3). Humanities have shaped the workforce through many modern languages, law, policy, culture, religion. In Houston, TX, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, or French language immersion schools have a minimum of 50 percent to a limit of 80 percent of regular instruction. Schools also offer humanities-focused social studies. By using humanities at an early age, schools promote the concept of diversity of education, these children will grow up and be part of the workforce. Technology companies ‘ CEOs have discussed the importance of learning how to code; nevertheless, building things customers want and need is important. We need to understand the human behaviors from the evidence of data to explain these preferences (Bradley, 2018).

Natural sciences are best described as ‘a modern method based on observation, hypothesis formation, and experimental verification to understand the physical universe’ (Haught, 2011, para. 2). Common natural science disciplines include astronomy, geology, chemistry, physics, and biology, as well as some cross-disciplines such as oceanography, environmental science, and computer science (Haught, 2011). The workplace’s biological makeup can be viewed as nature’s Melting Pot. Persons from all ethnic backgrounds, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds should come together and have kids together. Many children are exposed to different parts of the cultures of their parents. They anticipate inclusiveness once they grow up and become part of the workforce, and that’s where diversity takes place.

The lens of social science examines how human beings act in their social environment. You may be familiar with specific social science disciplines such as political science, psychology, sociology, and anthropology (Social Science, 2017). Another direction in which social science can enhance the workplace is by defining characteristics of personalities so that workers can work together effectively. The lens of social science examines how human beings act in their social environment. You may be familiar with specific social science disciplines such as political science, psychology, sociology, and anthropology (Social Science, 2017). Another direction in which social science can enhance the workplace is by defining characteristics of personalities so that workers can work together effectively.

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Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal. (2022, Jan 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/critical-analysis-portfolio-and-presentation-proposal/

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