Immigration Essay Examples and Research Papers

101 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

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Immigration Policy

Pages 5 (1 171 words)

Donald Trump

Illegal Immigration



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Impact of Immigration on American Society

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United States

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Memo on Immigration

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American Government

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American Government


Immigration Reform

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Why Do Immigrants Come To The United States?

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Immigration in the United States

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Essay on Immigration in Canada

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The Mexican Repatriation Act

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Health Issues of Hispanic People

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Immigration is the act of trying to permanently enter and settle down in a foreign country by leaving your former country. There are many reasons as to why people would decide to immigrate.

Immigration has become a large topic worldwide. This is especially prominent in Europe as many Middle Eastern are trying to escape their countries because they are scared of the wars and violence that are happening. Years ago, Europe had open borders which allowed immigrants to flow into the continent through boats entering coastal countries like Greece and Italy. They would head to Germany where they would be granted asylum. In the present, this journey becomes close to impossible with the new border control by nations between a violent Africa and a safe Europe. Due to increased border control and the construction of a fence, these immigrants are forced to camp outside the border and wait until the border hopefully reopens.

Immigration has many positives that can benefit both the immigrants and the nation they are trying to enter. Immigrants not only bring themselves but also bring their cultures, perspectives, and experiences with them. This brings diversity to the country. Their presence also increases population and allows a mingling of knowledge and cultures as well as increasing cultural awareness between the immigrants and the citizens.

Many immigrants do not leave their homes unless they absolutely must. Many immigrants do so because they are seeking asylum from their dangerous home countries, trying to find better opportunities that are not given to them in their home countries, or giving their children a better place to grow up and be successful. Immigration is especially useful for labor due to the surge of incoming workers who are looking for jobs in order to support themselves and their families.

Immigration also has many negatives that can hurt the country they are trying to enter. Many immigrants try to enter wealthy countries which will eventually cause a disparity between the wealthy countries and the poor countries. This causes resource access issues at the local level because along with the normal population, the influx of immigrants will cause more demand for resources and less supply. Even at the national level, this can lead to overpopulation.

However, there is always that uncertainty and a loss of life, no matter how small is still a large burden to bear. While immigration does bring about new cultural ideas, whether or not the people will accept and embrace those ideas is an entirely different discussion. Bringing these new ideas to an already established community can cause friction between the two sides which will then lead to negative interactions. A solution to this problem is simply having the immigrants assimilate to life in their new community. Of course, this solution requires the immigrants to basically throw away everything they had and to start fresh. Doing so means the destruction of their roots which is something that many immigrants will not do.

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