Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

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The literature focus on the study of the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the selected antecedents of job satisfaction of the employees of insurance industry. A psychological relation between the employee and organization that make it less likely that the employee will itself leave the organization. The values along with social emotional attachment are more focused of employee toward the organization. Similar to other industries, insurance industry does face the problem of high employee turnover while job satisfaction and organizational commitment are the antecedents to it.

The importance of learning organizational commitment and job satisfaction is that organizations that depend on positive relationships with client and co-workers cannot afford to have employees who are not devoted to the organization and agreement after only a short amount of time on the job. If employees are both satisfied with their jobs and committed to the organization, the organization will be reinforced and will result in greater cooperation and a reduced chance of leaving. This influenced individually by various factors. Job satisfaction is more focused on individual’s attitude towards job, pay, working conditions, leadership style etc. Research design projected for the study is ‘Descriptive’ type of research.

This type of research deals with quality of responses from the respondents, attitudes, interests, technical skills, experience, behavioural, beliefs and values, emotions, personality, self-concept etc. The sampling design applied in the study is convenient sampling. By the survey method using questionnaire method primary data was collected. The variables for the constructs are selected carefully with the support of various reviews. A total of 150 questionnaires were collected from the 4 public sector general insurance companies in Coimbatore district. The inclusion of Co-worker relationship and work family conflict has explained 24.2% of the variance in Job satisfaction.

That means, there are other exogenous factors contributing to the job satisfaction. Also, the co-worker relationship, work-family conflict and the job satisfaction together has explained 64.8% of variance in Organizational commitment that once again explains the involvement of exogenous factors apart from the selected variables in the study. This literature confirms that co-worker relationship, work family conflict does not act as important predictors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Although job satisfaction to some extent act as the important predictor of organizational commitment. The study posits that overall level of co-worker relationship, job satisfaction and organizational commitment is higher and work family conflict is lower with the employees. This shows that there exists a cordial and friendly colleague relationship, people could manage their work-time and family-time effectively and the work does not interfere in their family timings, employees have considerably high job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

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Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/job-satisfaction-and-organizational-commitment/



How can job involvement and organizational commitment lead to job satisfaction?
Some researchers believe that job involvement leads to organizational commitment, which in turn leads to job satisfaction. Job involvement is defined as the degree to which an individual identifies with a job and considers his or her performance important to self-worth.
How does job satisfaction affect organizational commitment?
Job satisfaction has a strong influence on organizational commitment. Unhappy employees are less likely to feel loyalty to their company and are more likely to leave for another job.
What is the relationship of job satisfaction organizational commitment and work outcomes?
Job satisfaction is positively related to organizational commitment, which in turn is positively related to work outcomes.
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