Why I Want to Develop a Career in Economics Stems

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Reading the Financial Times and The Economist from different authors around the world may you comprehend the vital role financial and economic experts play in shaping the global economy or institutions and the future direction it will take. You may be interested in building a wide-range foundation of knowledge in areas including risk management, derivatives, micro-economics, macro-economics, investment, financial analysis, and data interpretation with statistical tools such as R, MATLAB, etc.

Master of Art in Financial Economics from Ohio University will give you the same sophistication in applying finance and economic techniques. The major factors that bring about mergers, take-over, or acquisitions of two or more institutions or companies and the degree to which they do affect the financial sector. Most of the companies that have been merged or acquired by others were in a state of insolvency. Also, some of the institutions that acquire or take-over other companies turn out to perform poorly after the acquisition or takeover.

There is a lack of a financial analyst or economist on the management of these institutions to manage risk, make a good investment decision, forecast the performance of the economy and how it affects bonds and stocks price, mostly resulted in low performance or fold-up of these institutions which eventually leads to merger, acquisition or take-over. After completion of the Master of Art in Financial Economic at Ohio University, you may expect to possess highly practical financial and economic skills and the flexibility necessary to work in both local and international institutions in the future to help make good financial and economic decisions to save the institution from underperforming which later leads to insolvency or fold-up.

The subjects under the Master of Art in Financial Economics at Ohio University will help broaden your mind when it comes to making such decisive financial and economic decisions. Your goal may be to become an eminent Chartered Financial Analyst or economist in your country and develop a career that provides financial and economic advice to individuals and institutions. You may further develop a foundation of knowledge in the principle and practice of finance and economics, learning from world-renowned professors while interacting with top students from around the world.

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Why I Want to Develop a Career in Economics Stems. (2020, Nov 03). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-i-want-to-develop-a-career-in-economics-stems/



Should economics be stem?
The applications were recently approved and Economics is now designated as a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) discipline . The change in CIP codes is effective Autumn 2020.
What skills do you gain from studying economics?
You learn how to think critically about the world around you and how to use data to support your claims.
Why do you want to pursue a career in economics?
I want to pursue a career in economics because I want to understand how economies work and how they affect people's lives. I also want to use my knowledge to help improve economic conditions for people around the world.
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