From Hurricane Katrina to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami to 9/11, emergencies. And disasters have caused billions of dollars in damage, media attentions. And increased public demand on government to protect citizens, property and the environment. In 2012, the UN estimated that natural disasters caused over $130 billion in damage. Alongside actual damage, there is a growing awareness of people. And property being more exposed to disasters as a result of climate change or human settlement patters.
In response to increased media attention and exposure to emergencies. And disasters, the field of emergency management has in the last decade experienced a renaissance. Globally, the demand for practitioners is – and expected to continue in the future – to grow. Alongside the demand of practitioners, is an increased professionalization. Within the field in the formation of internationally recognised. Professional certification standards offered by the International Association of Emergency Managers to a growth in educational programs and research in academia.
Yet while the field of emergency management is undergoing growth and professionalization. The value and practices differ between North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The following paper will present a comparative analysis of emergency management practices. And the policy process in Toronto, Canada and Amsterdam, the Netherlands to understand continental differences within the field. Moreover, while the European integration. Project continues to deepen – with more responsibilities transferred to the European Union – this paper will assess the involvement of the EU in emergency management and the impact on activities in Amsterdam.
Yet Amsterdam and Toronto offer a unique comparative approach. Both Toronto and Amsterdam are the largest cities in each respective country with a growing and diverse population. These cities are at the centre of major transportation networks (air, rail, water and road). And act as important national and regional centers of commerce with each city being the home of their respective national stock exchange. While Toronto and Amsterdam reap the benefits of their status. Municipal governments must enact adequate emergency management programs to serve citizens. The business community and industry of the city.
Comparing these two cities will demonstrate differences and similarities in emergency management practices (in terms of legislative authority), the policy process and cycle as well as the influence of other orders of government. However, prior to a comparative analysis of emergency management in Toronto and Amsterdam, the paper presents a brief introduction to the main principles of the emergency management to provide context to current practices as well as the legislative framework in Canada and the Netherlands.
Introduction to Emergency Management
Preparing and responding to emergencies or disasters is a feature of human history. However, as incidents impact larger regions or grow in complexity. The field of emergency management has expanded and professionalized to meet these needs. In Canada, professionalization occurred through the formation of educational programs at post-secondary institutions.
The first such program was offered at Brandon University in 2001. And there are currently two institutions offering graduate programs in emergency management: Royal Roads University and York University. In the Netherlands, emergency management programs are offered at Leiden University. Nevertheless, in both Canada and the Netherlands practitioners. Of emergency management are increasingly professionalized. And take part in international activities to standardize the field.
While the field is expanding in Canada and the Netherlands, international organizations. And centres of scholarly collaboration and exchange have attempted to standardize the field. The largest and most influential organization for emergency management is the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). Since its founding in 1997, the IAEM has worked to standardize aspects of the field in education and terminology. For education, IAEM founded the internationally recognized emergency manager certification program, which allows practitioners to apply and obtain professional emergency management designations.