Living at Home or Living Away from Home

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Nowadays the first thing people at the age of eighteen think about is wanting to grow up and move out. Yet they have to think about all the differences that there are from living at home to living away from home. Many new challenges will be thrown at them throughout this journey while living away from home. Those challenges could be food, freedom, financial reasons, and independence. There are many differences between living at home and living away from home however, there are some similarities in both of them.

One difference between living at home and away from home is food. Living at home food isn’t much of a problem because most of the time your parents will support you with food. You really can choose from a lot of options as well. Also you know who’s cooking it and that can make you feel much safer. As for living away from home, you would have to find your on ways of cooking and making sure it fits your budget range. Another thing is you’d have to make sure you know exactly what you’re doing so you don’t sicken yourself.

Furthermore, another huge difference between living at home and living away from home is freedom. Living at home you are more likely to be restricted from much freedom. Meaning you would mostly have a curfew and have rules to follow and if you don’t listen you’d get in trouble. As for living away from home you would have all the freedom in the world letting you make up your own rules and own curfews. Also allowing no one to tell you what you can and can not do.

Another difference between living at home and living away from home is financial reasonings. When living at home you don’t have to worry about the bills because the parents handle it. You also don’t need to spend money on house items like toilet paper or shampoo because thats all under your parents. As for living away from home you have to worry about your bills and making sure you can survive each month. You have to make sure you have house hold items anywhere from food to toothpaste.

Lastly, the final difference between living at home and away from home is independence. Living at home you really don’t have to worry about being independent be cause you have your parents there for help if you need anything. As for living away from home you you have to be independent and not rely on anyone. You also have to make decision on your own without asking your parents if thats the right decision.

Although living at home and living away from home have their differences, they do indeed have some similarities that some people just don’t know.

A huge similarity between living at home and living away from home would be responsibility. Just because you live at home doesn’t mean you don’t have a responsibility. Living at home you have to play a huge role of responsibility, like helping your parents or cleaning your room. The same thing applies to living away from home. Like even though you don’t have parents telling you what to do and when to do it, you still have a responsibility to pay your bills and clean up after yourself or even to wash your own clothes.

In conclusion, living at home and living away from home have many differences like food, freedom, financial reasons, and independence, yet they have similarities like responsibility also. At the end of the day living at home is not for everyone as living away from home isn’t either.


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Living at Home or Living Away from Home. (2020, Nov 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/living-at-home-or-living-away-from-home/



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