Family Essay Examples and Research Papers

272 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Importance Of Family Planning For Youth Argumentative Essay

Pages 5 (1 127 words)



Gender Roles

Planned Parenthood


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Bowen Family Systems Theory Application

Pages 6 (1 317 words)




Mental Health

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Traditional Families and Modern Families Analytical Essay

Pages 5 (1 206 words)


Family Values

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Family in Sri Lanka

Pages 9 (2 124 words)



My Family


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Family in the Social Structure Argumentative Essay

Page 1 (244 words)




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Issues in Family and Couples’ Counseling

Pages 5 (1 142 words)


Importance Of Family Relationships

United States

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Family System Therapy

Pages 6 (1 471 words)


Problem Solving


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Family Structures Argumentative Essay

Pages 2 (367 words)





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Treating Substance Use Disorders with a Family Systems Approach

Pages 2 (372 words)


Mental Health

Substance Abuse

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Family as a Social Institution and Definition of Christian Marriage Argumentative Essay

Pages 3 (627 words)




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1 2 28

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Embryo Adoption vs. Traditional Adoption

The Effects of Divorce on Children

Example Of Annotated Bibliography On Education

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The Effects of Divorce on the Children Involved

Example Of Alcohol Addiction Essay

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Anna Jarvis – The “Mother” of Mother’s Day

An Analysis of the Hospital Deliveries and the Infants With Ambiguous Genitalia

Growing Up in a Single Parent Family

Methods Of Assessment Essay

Growing Up Without A Father And His Role In Childhood Development

Representation of Love in Dante’s Inferno and Boccaccio’s Decameron

Environment in Family and School

Family Persuasive Essay Topics

Problem of the Arranged Marriage

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Parental Monitoring: Should Children Be Limited In Their Internet’s Use

The Controversial Issue of Spanking and Its Effects

An Analysis of the Topic of the Traditional Families

Importance of Having a Good Friend

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Single Parenting: Growing Up In A Single Parent Family

Effects of Gender on Spanking to Discipline Child

An Overview of Family Counselling and Its Different Approaches

The Unexpected Struggles of Interracial Marriage

Prevalence of Obesity Research Paper Samples

Family Tree: To Be A Part Of An Extended Family

The Spanking Quandary: a Critical Look at Spanking Children

The Benefits of Horror for the Junior High Age Group

Consequences of Growing Up with Single Parent

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Course Work On Learning Environment in Schools

Reasoning Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

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Six Step Problem-Solving Method

Free Different Families Essay Sample

Positive and Negative Sides of Spanking Children

The Road-Father Son Relationship

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Arguments Against Corporal Punishment: Why Spanking is not a Good Idea

Three Children and Technology

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Motherhood in The Institution of Slavery

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The Lessons I Learnt from My Grandfather

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Business Ethics and the Commercialization of Transplant Organs Research Papers Examples

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A Group Consisting of Parents and Children Living Together in a Household

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The family has always been one of the most important notions in society. And its huge role for every person is the main idea in every family essay.

A broad range of novels, and films, ranging from The Godfather to The Fast and the Furious, focus on this construct. Different people have distinctive approaches to this concept; however, it still remains one of the most significant social bonds for most of them. The representatives of younger generations are not an exception, which is recognizable from their papers that can be found online.

Make sure to check our list of family essay examples to get some relevant ideas on writing such a text and expressing one’s attitudes to one’s relatives. While writing an essay on family, you can focus on different things, ranging from relationships with relatives, traditions, and even harmful social constructs. Everything is up to you since the key point is to come up with interesting ideas and express them in your work.

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