In U.S violence against women is one of the main issues which still exist today, and being women still considered punishment in our society In US, one in three women experiences physical, sexual or emotional violence in her lifetime; one in five experiences rape. Yet, while every woman is at risk, some human rights violations make certain women more helpless. That holds true in the United States, too. Women and girls of all ages, income levels, racial and cultural communities, sexual orientations and religious affiliations experience violence in the form of sexual and, domestic violence and that cause long-term physical and mental health problems.
Well the question comes in my mind is how we can prevent violence against women to have safe and free environment for women in society and in country. There are some proven solutions for supporting and empowering survivors to stop the reoccurrence of this violence. The Actions for sexual violence are speaking out, refer to an authority, working in a community to create positive social Norms and polices that promote safety and equity. Moreover, the actions for domestic violence are follows Educating children from early age to respect others, organizing community, getting help from law, speaking out publicly against domestic violence.
The Sexual Assault is the most common issue among women in U.S. Sexual violence is any type of unwanted sexual contact, reaching from sexist attitudes and actions to rape and murder. In n the U.S, one in three women experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime, 91% of victims of rape and sexual assault are female out of 100%. So, after finding out some information about the sexual violence on women in US, the question rises in my mind what actions need to be taken to get women out of this violence or even bring some change by reducing it. The sexual violence can be prevented by Speaking Out, refer to an authority, working in a community to create positive social Norms and polices that promote safety and equity.
First, we must speak out, we shouldn’t be quit seeing someone who has gone through this pain, and we can erase the silence and shame that keep sexual violence hidden. Being a victim of sexual assault, you must believe rape and sexual assault is never the fault of the survivor it is the behavior of the perpetrator that is wrong and we must get him in front of the people to show his real face, so people can be aware of him, and that will make him feel ashamed forever. Then after, refer to an authority, report the incident get perpetrator arrested, and trial must be done, and fight till end to get him punished by the Law. Law and policies are the most powerful tool to punish perpetrators, provide justice and services to end up violence on women. The Reason is, there are many sexual harassments laws in United States that have passed in the last 50 years for the protection of women and even for man. For example, Title VII, Vawa and EEOC.
The Title VII establishes legal foundation for stopping sexual harassment, and men and women are covered under it and was intended to have better protection of women at workplace. Additionally, today in America Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which imposes federal discrimination laws, states sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Moreover, The Violence against Women Act (VAWA) is passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. In relation to sexual harassment in the workplace, it permits evidence of the history of the sexual harasser to be introduced and limits evidence related to the sexual history of the accuser. Being victim of sexual harassment, women have many legal actions to take under the authority to get justice.
Secondly, raising awareness, we all can step forward to help preventing sexual violence by modeling and promoting healthy and positive relationships that are based on respect, safety, and equality. We must have ability to positively influence others and help the people we care about and question their harmful beliefs by speaking up if someone makes jokes or comments about sexual assault or modeling consent with friends and family.
Taking action in some way, shape, or form helps to change the thoughts and behaviors of a community. Make people understand as much as you can that it is never the victim’s fault, maybe having a discussion could change their attitude or belief. Another action which applies on each of us is always be aware what’s going on around you. Observing is the best tool to keep yourself safe while meeting the people and working such as noticing them, their actions, their behavior, attitude, language.
Being a woman, some responsibilities are also applied on you to be safe. The reason for being observed always is in seven out of 10 cases of sexual assault, perpetrator is someone victim knows, 8 percent of rapes occur while the victim is at work. So, we must always be observed, and aware of the people we see or meet every day. Your actions matter to bring change and keep each woman and girl safe in society. We must have to think about the women or girls who have gone through these tragedies, and sexual violence can have psychological, emotional, and physical effects on a survivor. These effects aren’t always easy to deal with, but with the right help and support they can be managed.
Another violence the women get hit the most is Domestic. Domestic Violence is called intimate partner violence. It includes physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, as well as sexual force and annoyance by a current or former intimate partner. Intimate partner violence affects millions of women each year in the United States. Moreover, women who are victims of domestic violence are also at a greater risk of mental and physical health Problems. There are some preventions to reduce domestic violence among women are follows, educating children from early age promoting respectful relationships and gender equality, organizing community, speaking out publicly, educating others on domestic violence, always take help of the Law for being targeted of Domestic Violence or being witness.
First, the prevention should be started from an early age by educating your children being a parent or teacher to respect others and promote respectful relationship and gender equality. So, it must be started earlier, because the child always does something what he sees from the beginning, and if he has seen his mother being tortured by his father, he probably will do the same thing in the future. The parents especially a man must be respectful to women to educate their children to be well behaved to women. So, in home, there must be clean and respectful environment to end up domestic violence, and for that the parents must take some responsibility.
Moreover, organizing your community, and a fine start to get rid of domestic violence from you community or neighborhood or society is to begin educating people as much as possible about domestic violence, its impact and how to interfere safely. This can easily be done by collaborating with your local Domestic Violence shelter or women’s organization or police community outreach officers who can work with the community you live in, local schools and local companies to organize and implement talks, town hall meetings and other group sessions to talk about this issue. Another action is speaking out against domestic violence publicly.
For example, calling the police for being witness or victim of domestic violence, and if you hear joke about beating your spouse, let that person know you aren’t okay with that kind of humor and make the person understand to get serious on this issue, Moreover, we must educate other people by working in volunteer group at school, colleges or workplace, giving awareness to our society and inviting a speaker from your local domestic violence organization to present at your religious or professional organization, civic or volunteer group, workplace, or school. We must take the help of Law after being targeted of domestic violence and never be afraid. There are officials within the criminal justice system that can provide some assistance, such as prosecutors and victims’ advocates, their support is typically limited to issues relating to the prosecution of your attacker. We must be aware of the laws or can acknowledge the people that the laws on domestic violence are exist, and we have right taking legal action after being targeted of domestic violence.
The law that prevent domestic violence and was passed on violence against women is (VAWA) Violence against women act. The key provisions of VAWA are follows: full funding of rape implements and legal/court fees for domestic violence protection order, Victim protection orders are recognized and enforced in all states, Implementation and funding of special domestic violence crime units in local communities, Special domestic violence and sexual violence training for law enforcement officers. We have many legal actions to take reducing or ending up Domestic violence but making it possible we need to raise voice publicly to have change in the country.
In Conclusion I would say that everything is possible not impossible if we do some effort. To achieve something or revolutionized something you must go through hardships. After getting much information about violence on women in U.S in terms of sexual and domestic, these are the main issues we must care about. To me it has become our responsibility now to find some solution, taking actions to bring change in the country as much as we can. There are many proven solutions or actions exist such as speaking put, refer to an authority, working in a community to create positive social Norms, educating at early age, getting help from the law, and be united with each other. Yet all these actions are useless unless we don’t apply them individually, and each citizen should step forward even for being victim or witness of domestic or sexual violence or anyone. It is our national issue and we as a great Nation create safe environment and respectful for women in our country.