Essays on Feminism

140 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Aspects of Feminism

Pages 2 (466 words)


Gender Equality

Social Issues

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Feminism and Its Effect on Philippine Decision Making Argumentative Essay

Pages 10 (2 401 words)



Women'S Suffrage

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Black Feminist Thoughts

Pages 10 (2 446 words)


Gender Discrimination


Racial Discrimination

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True Feminisim Against Stereotyping

Pages 5 (1 054 words)


Social Norms


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Movement of Feminism in India

Pages 4 (931 words)


Gender Equality

Indian Culture

Social Movements

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Societal Norms vs Feminism

Pages 2 (269 words)


Gender Discrimination

Gender Equality

Social Movements

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Concept of Black Feminism

Page 1 (198 words)



Gender Identity

Gender Roles

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Influence of Feminism on Modern Life

Pages 2 (252 words)



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Essence of The Feminist Theory

Pages 2 (280 words)


Gender Inequality


Open Document

Analysis of American Feminism Argumentative Essay

Pages 2 (399 words)


Gender Roles


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Check a list of useful topics on Feminism selected by experts

List of Feminism Essay Topics

Analytical Essay Topics:

Third World Women

Gender Equality In The USA

Review of Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

The Concept of Intersectionality

Kimberle Crenshaw on Social Justice Problems

Intersectionality: Race, Sexuality, and Communication

Feminism in Pride and Prejudice

Woman Struggle in The Scarlet Letter Movie

‘Legally Blonde’ Film Analysis

Heart of Darkness Critical Analysis

Gender Equality for Women

Global Gender Equality

Feminist Existentialism in France

History of Feminist Art

Feminism and the Enlightenment

Intersectionality, Feminism and Biases

Feminist Consciousness of Jane Eyre

When Do We Know when We Have Achieved Gender Equality?

Kate Chopin’s Notion of Women’s Liberation in The Story of an Hour

Feminism in Criminal Justice System

Argumentative Essay Topics:

African American Women in Hidden Figures

The Equality Act

Law Enforcement Diversity in the Workforce

Equal Minimum Wage

Equality, Diversity, Rights

Equality and Diversity

Equality of Men and Women

Gender Equality in the Workplace

Gender Equality Is Fair

Total Gender Equality Will Never Exist

Perspective of Woman in Hinduism Then and Now

Gender Equality in Mexico

Effect of Woman Suffrage

Women’s Suffrage Campaign

Women’s Suffrage Movement and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The Women’s Suffrage Movement

Gender Stereotypes Interfere with Gender Equality

What is Feminism

Importance of Feminism

Feminism Role in Modern Society

Essay Topics About Feminism

Feminism Argumentative Essay Topics

A Report on The Life and Legacy of Jane Addams

Susan B. Anthony: Her Life and Contributions to History

Gloria Steinem as a Wonder Woman

Example Of Precarious Employment Essay

Feminism And Its Three Waves Of Women Empowerment

The Topic of Women’s Rights in Julia Alvarez’s in The Time of The Butterflies

A Comparison of Antoinette Burton’s Article the White Woman’s Burden and Other Writings

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women in Sustainable Development Goals

Example Of Annotated Bibliography On Sylvia Plath and Elizabeth Bishop

Gloria Steinem: The Wonder Woman Of Our Generation

Motherhood as a Way to Control Women

The Limited Rights of Women in the Romantic and Victorian Age

Three Waves of Feminism and Feminism Today

Good Article On A Feminist Defense of Abortion

Gloria Steinem: Actual Wonder Woman

Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Speech ‘Women in The World Summit 2015 ’

Feminism Descriptive Essay Topics

An Introduction to Fashion and Feminism’s Third Wave

History of Three Waves of Feminism

Example Of Course Work On Criminology

Gender Issues On Media: The Pressure On Women To Have Perfect Bodies

A Critique of Pro-life Arguments Against Abortion

The Appearance of Gender Power Roles in Roman Religion and a Comparison of Its Contemporary Religions

Role of Women in Afghanistan

Christian and Islamic Art Course Work

The Pressure On Woman To Have Perfect Bodies

Pro-choice Abortion: It’s Women’s Choice to Do with Their Bodies What They Want

An Overview of Feminism and Its Continuous Struggle in Society

Stereotypes in Afghanistan Society

Feminist Culture Article

The Three Waves Of Feminism Through The Years

The Reasons for The Legalization of Abortions

The Plight of Chinese Women for Equality

Feminism Persuasive Essay Topics

Women’s Role in the Development of a Nation

Example Of Course Work On Cyborg Manifesto

Future Of Women Leadership In Public Relation Department And Chauvinistic Society

The Arguments for Abortion Legalization in Namibia

The Issues Covered by Contemporary Feminism

A Woman’s Place is in the Home

Sample Annotated Bibliography On Sociology

Women In Afghanistan: Violation Of Women Rights

The History of The Struggle for Women’s Rights in America

The Life and Contributions of the Transcendental Feminist, Margaret Fuller

Malala’s Heroic Deeds for Women’s Education

Example Of Feminists Conscious-Raising Article

Oppression Of Women And The Veil Controversy In Afghanistan

Gender Equality and Income Level

A Comprehensive Analysis of Hard out Here, a Video by Lily Allen

Meet Zahida Kazmi: Pakistan’s First Female Taxi Driver

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Feminist And Fight Equal Rights Article Examples

The Role Of Women In Afghanistan In Next Elections

Women Rights Throughout History

The Koran’s and Judeo-Christian Ideas about Women: Equality vs. Inferiority

Free Liberal Feminism Essay Sample

The Effect of Non-government Organizations on Human Rights

Problem of Social Purity

Politics Report Examples

A Research Paper on The Reasons Why Women Should Be Able to Have The Option of an Abortion

Alice Paul and the Women’s Suffrage Movement

Free Libertarian Feminism And Angela Carters Patriarchal Text: The Bloody Chamber Course Work Sample

Analysis of The Themes in The Yellow Wallpaper: Women’s Rights in The Victorian Era

Women’s Rights in the United States in the 1700s

Aphra Behn Course Work Samples

The Themes of Feminism in The Yellow Wallpaper

Women’s Movement 1848-1970’s

Feminism Comparison and Contrast Essay Topics

Women and Femininity Term Papers Example

Depiction of Women as Objects in Beowulf

Essay on Women Suffrage Movement

Violence Against Women Course Works Examples

Feminism in Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Influence of Progressive Era on Society in USA

Good Annotated Bibliography About Womens Movement

Male Control and Women’s Suffrage in Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Oppression of Women: The Oldest Injustice in Human History

Feminism And The Womens Movement Annotated Bibliography Examples

The Future of Gender Equality in The Workplace

The Declaration of Independence and Slavery

Art Criticism – Cassatt Course Work

Hispanic American Diversity

Course Work On Feminism In Films

Global Strategy For Diversity at Bestfoods


Feminism is a movement that can be seen from at any rate different sides. First and foremost, it is a political movement related to the battle of ladies for equality. It is this perspective that is regularly connected with traditional women’s liberation, specifically with the suffragist development, who requested that ladies be given the option to cast a vote. We can’t help thinking that such issues stayed in the inaccessible past, yet toward the start of the twentieth century, ladies didn’t have casting voting rights basically anyplace on the planet.

Furthermore, Feminism is a social movement, indeed, a pattern in way of thinking, which in its substance and argumentation is considerably more assorted than traditional political woman’s rights.

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