To Live a Life of Meaning and Purpose

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Many feel that there is no real meaning to life and that the goal is just to survive and reproduce. As we explore this idea, however, we can see that even the most basic of ideas can give life meaning and purpose, whether its in assisting others or following a higher being as a guide to live our lives. As discussed in class we’ve explored many authors who showed or shared their ideas on what it means to live a life with meaning and purpose. Those authors being Dorothy Day, Pope Benedict XVI, John Henry Newman and Cormack McCarthy.

Pope Benedict XVI is one of many wise men who have given his thoughts on many problems in the world. In Charity in Truth, we learn that the Pope spoke about all of humanity being a part of one community, no matter how divided they are on ideas. Although he has a firm belief as a Catholic, he does not force his ideas onto anyone and even says that it’s okay to have different beliefs. “The Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these religions. It has a high regard for the manner of life and conduct, the precepts and doctrines which, although differing in many ways from its own teaching, nevertheless often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men and women” (Pope Benedict XVI, 2).

The Pope explains how no other forms of religions are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, but instead accepts that these religions help others realize what their lives are missing. The Pope cares about humanity and the planet as a whole. “Love in truth-caritas in verité-is a great challenge for the Church in a world that is becoming progressively and pervasively globalized…Only in charity, illumined by the light of reason and faith, is it possible to pursue development goals that possess a more humane and humanizing value” (Pope Benedict XVI, 9). Pope Benedict expresses how he cares about helping those in need and is an example how one can form a more just society for the common good. He believes that charity is an important part of helping others and a good way to connect with God as well.

John Henry Newman is a priest who believed that not only faith was important but knowledge was a key factor for any individual on this planet. He believed that students were one of the most important groups of people on this planet and they would be able to develop and create our future. “Now then I turn to the students and shall consider the education which, by virtue of this principle, a University will give them; and thus I shall be introduced, Gentlemen, to the second question, which I proposed to discus, viz. whether and in what sense its teaching, viewed relatively to the taught, carries the attribute of Utility along with it.” (John Henry Newman, 31)

Newman believed that knowledge brought along other factors, like utility, and helped them create brighter futures for everyone. One thing he did not agree with, however, was the way people in the present were using knowledge. He believed that people were not obtaining knowledge for knowledge’s sake but rather just use the knowledge as a stepping stone in order to obtain work. He stated “Now this is what some great men are very slow to allow; they insist that Education should be confined to some particular and narrow end, and should issue in some definite work, which can be weighed and measured. They argue as if every thing, as well as every person, had its price; and that where there has been a great outlay, they have a right to expect a return in kind. (John Henry Newman, 33) Newman discovered that people were expecting certain results from knowledge depending on the amount of education they obtained, and he was upset by this. Newman felt that knowledge should never be seen as just a tool and would rather people attempt to use what they’re learning and appreciate it as they obtained it.

I agree with this belief, and can say that I am a person described by Newman. In the modern day world, knowledge is too often used as something to flaunt, something to get you to a successful job, or is disregarded entirely. Newman’s thoughts on knowledge are prime examples of how to live a life of meaning. Knowledge can open up the doors to many possibilities and can bring you great things, but the misuse of knowledge has been deeply rooted into our society. With Newman’s readings, we can hope to avoid the flaws that he stresses and give ourselves a greater purpose in life that surpasses the idea of chasing money and success.

Dorothy Day was an inspirational woman of her time and is still an important figure in the present day. She took actions that no other woman had the strength or courage to and fought injustice, poor situations, and social norms. She aimed to help out anyone and everyone in need that she possibly could, which is unheard of in her time, especially for a woman. Dorothy Day believed that “Money is the blood of the poor.” (Dorothy Day, 101) With this, she means that money is something poor people can not only obtain but also is something that hinders their lives. The lack of money causes many issues for people, and it seems like only those who are financially secure are successful and happy.

While this is not always the case, Dorothy Day did see large amounts of poor people in cities that were very unhappy. Not having a meal during the day and a place to sleep at night are extremely important factors that we today take for granted. Dorothy day ensured that these people could have at least one of these factors by opening up soup kitchens and giving aid to those in need, whether it be shelter or a bit of happiness. She also believed that faith would help those in need. She believed that “It is no use saying that we are born two thousand years too late to give room to Christ. Nor will those who live at the end of the world have been born too late. Christ is always with us, always asking for room in our hearts.” (Dorothy Day, 106) She felt that there is always time to include our faith into our lives and that he will guide those not successful to happiness.

Dorothy Day’s actions have shown others that there is meaning to helping others in life, no matter how small the action. We discussed in class how many people refrain from taking action because the action may be insignificant and not affect anyone. Dorothy Day showed us that this is not true, for her actions were very small at first, and eventually, after getting enough help from others to assist her, she was able to make large scale improvements and assist large groups of people. She is a fantastic human being that many people look up to, both male and female, and can be used as an example for making one’s life have more meaning.

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To Live a Life of Meaning and Purpose. (2021, Aug 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/to-live-a-life-of-meaning-and-purpose/

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