The challenges of working women in our society

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The challenges of working women in our society what does that mean well the challenges of working women can come with good outcomes and sometimes bad outcomes. Working women go through many challenges, especially for women. Challenges that women face throughout the workforce is discrimination and tolerance, treated differently because of sexuality, unequal pay, Insufficient Maternity Leaves, and more. You will hear why these struggles are more amongst women and why women have these struggles.

The most challenges of working women I hear about is a major issue that women face at their workplace and many women fall victim of sexual harassment at workplace. At times employers try to take sexual favors from women employee in return of other benefits and promotions. It can be classified into various categories like

  1. Physical contact and advances
  2. A demand or request for sexual favors
  3. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal activities (like whistling, obscene jokes, comments about physical appearances, threats, innuendos, gender-based derogatory remarks etc.)
  4. Threats rape

One of the most challenging problems in the workplace is Insufficient Maternity leave. That word may sound big and is the most struggling issue for single working moms ‘Time Out’ for New Mothers: Some Issues for Maternity-Leave Policy’’ this article had interesting analyses “when mothers’ employment rose from 15 percent during their infants’ first month to 30 percent by month 12. This sharp rise reflects the fact that most of the new mothers had quit their jobs to have children and returned to work by finding new employment over the course of the first year.

One of the articles I read about is “Women in the work the workplace” /by Krishna Reddy. Work-life imbalance they tend to mix up work commitments with personal priorities and that’s when all the issues start. The best way to relives these issues is to make a planner it helps you to stay organize and focus on work and home.

One of the most fascinating and inspiring articles I have read is” Challenges facing working women” “Marissa Mayer, the new CEO of Yahoo. She faces one of the biggest challenges in business today, reviving a technology company that is on the verge of following AOL into obscurity. Her pregnancy and her announcement that she will work through maternity leave have ignited a familiar discussion, one I remember from more than 30 years ago.

Can women have it all? Is Ms. Mayer a role model, or do her wealth and status make her unique? And does her ability to hire unlimited child-care to encourage a false expectation for other women in the workplace that they, too, should work through their maternity leaves? If she fails at her job, does it set somehow set back other working women and prove they can’t have it all?

One good question is how you can have it all however, some people may not have it all not because of discrimination and tolerance, treated different because sexuality, and unequal pay, because some people may not be able to handle the stressed that include a businesswomen, are working women these issues can be too overwhelming for one person to carry some methods and references and categories like

  1. You can report are stop the event from occurring
  2. The appearance you show and put on leads to molestation and rape in the workplace
  3. Not putting on a show and set boundaries in the workplace

Methods if overwhelmed

  1. Take deep breaths
  2. Get some alone time go for a walk are getting to a spa to have relaxation
  3. Make a Planner and more time for a time managing time task
  4. Focus on the positive activities

I chose this topic because I am the oldest of 9 and my mother was a single parent at a time and she taught me of some responsibilities of working women and never limit yourself. My mother was pregnant and was going to school for a degree in nurse practitioner she had a setback. They had sickness in the family and she picked up the responsibilities of her only sister. My mother showed me the struggles for working women and how to be a successful woman in the workplace. I learned that the work pays off in the long run and you have to respect yourself and believe in yourself.


  1. Krisha reddy
  2. Sana Young Wong
  3. Carter Eskew
  4. ‘Time Out’ for New Mothers: Some Issues for Maternity-Leave Policy’’

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The challenges of working women in our society. (2023, Jan 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-challenges-of-working-women-in-our-society/

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