Finding Dignity and Meaning through Cyber Security

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As technology is increasing day by day, many people who share their information online fall victim to cybercrime. Before cyber security was not a serious issue. But, now most of people who share their personal information online are complaining about getting it stolen.

Cyber Security is known as a practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. Beside all of these things, cyber security is also known as information security. There are five different kinds of categories in which the term, cyber security is divided into. Which are network security, application security, information security, and operational security. In today’s date, a career in cyber security has become the one of the most challenging career for people especially cybercrime. For example, cyber security professionals are someone whose job is to protect online data from being hacking.

Due to cyber threats and increasing cyber hacking activities, cyber security emerged rapidly in recent years. According to a report from Trend Micro, cyber threats and data breaches have continued to dominate the first half of 2014 with attacks affecting consumer’s personal information, including theft of data such as customer names, passwords, email addresses, and many more(Eddy). In addition, Kellermann said, chief cyber security officer of Trend Micro ‘More than ninety eight percent of bank heists occur in cyberspace and this is being exacerbated by mobile banking and correspondent rise in mobile mugging (Eddy). Securing private information and cybercrime have become one of the biggest challenges for people in a field of cyber security in the present day (Reddy).

Also, besides securing information and cybercrime trends changing in cyber security have been the biggest challenges which a person faces been in a field of cyber security (Reddy). Which are wed servers, cloud computing and its services, APT’s, targeted attacks, mobile networks, IPV6: new internet protocol, and encryption of the code (Reddy). Comparing to all these trends, cloud computing and its services is one of the latest trend which creates a big challenge for cyber security (Reddy). For example, as the number of applications available in the cloud grows, policy controls for web applications will also need to evolve in order to prevent the loss of valuable information (Reddy).

Advanced Persistent Threat is a second trend challenge in cyber security, which is known for a new level of cybercrime (Reddy). Mobile networks a challenging term, in which security is one of the most concerning thing. In addition, as people start using devices such as tablets, phones, and PC’s, since now a days firewalls and other security measures are becoming porous (Reddy). Encryption is the process of encoding messages in such a way that hackers cannot read it (Reddy). For example, the message or information is encrypted by using an encryption algorithm. This is usually done with the use of an encryption key (Reddy). Also, more use of encryption brings more challenges in cyber security as encryption at a very beginning level protects data privacy (Reddy).

Cyber Security issues and risks is another concerning thing which people in manufacturing companies faces. These companies are someone who still views the impact of cyber security as a concern mainly for consumer-oriented companies in sectors which handle large volumes of sensitive data (Pinson). However, the cyber risk to manufacturing extends far beyond the risks of a data breach (Pinson). For example, negative impact on good will, public, employee safety, financial theft, and theft of trade secrets (Pinson). First phases of assessment, testing, process, and technology help companies to establish what and where the company’s critical assets are. Including sensitive data or connected how well those assets are currently secured (Pinson).

The benefits of working as cyber security are great opportunity; get to learn new things, and a higher pay rate.

I would define dignity and meaning drawing from sources I have read in this class would be using an example of Sojourner Truth because in my opinion, she was a true meaning of dignity. For example, even not having that much knowledge about an education, she gained so much fame and respect without any help of anyone. Also, she was the first African American women among the few speaking publicly during one of her speech in 1851. Sojourner speech on women’s rights during 1853, ‘We want to carry the point to one thing, and that is woman’s rights, for nobody has any business with a right that belongs to her. I can make use of my own right. I want the same use of the same right.

Do you want it? Then get it. If men had not taken something that did not belong to them they would not fear.’ This speech of her truly define the meaning of dignity because she talks about the rights of women’s and that is something which nobody can take it from her or have any right to take it. Another way her speech defines dignity is how she talks about the equality between women and men’s rights. Which means there should not be any kind of differences when it is about the rights and each person have a right of however they wants to use in their own way. ‘Women leaders of that time were very impressed with her. Lucy Stone described Truth as ‘wise, brave, unselfish, and good’ and Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote ‘the marvelous wisdom and goodness of this remarkable woman.'(Fitch and Mandziuk, P. 90).

Dignity, by biblical definition, is tied to the biblical concept of glory (Sproul). His weightiness, his importance, his significance, is what the Bible uses to describe the meaning of dignity. According to the author, dignity is not the same as respect (Hicks). Dignity is our inherent value and worth as human being; everyone is born with it (Hicks). According to Michael Rosen, dignity is an interesting, insightful, and stimulating study of the history and uses of the concept of dignity in moral, political, and legal contexts (Darwall). Its aims are not just descriptive, but also interpretive and philosophical (Darwall).

In philosopher Immanuel Kant view, human beings have “an intrinsic worth, i.e.; dignity, ‘Which makes them valuable ‘above all price’. (Rachel). According to Viktor Frankl, ‘logotherapy focuses on the search for the meaning of human existence'(Frankl, 1958). For these purposes, existential analysis refers to the analysis of one’s own existence, which naturally flows into the question of meaning (Frankl). The way the perspective from each field offers is relevant is to me is how both philosophers Michael Rosen and Viktor Frankl explain about the definition of dignity and meaning in their own ways by giving an example about it.

The way I hope my career will lead to a life of dignity and meaning is by getting recognized for the kind of hard work I do as a cyber security. Dignity is one of the most important things for any person because if he or she does not get any respect or feel respected by the people whom they work, then it is not a good thing. It is only dignity, because of which a person work gets recognized. Dignity does not only play an important role for the people working as a cyber security, but also for others too who works in a different field. For example, doctors, nurses, teachers, physicians, workers, engineers, dietitians, dentists, and surgeons.

Another way I hope my career will lead to a life of dignity and meaning would be getting treated equally as my coworkers at the place where I will be working as cyber security. Also, as I do not know how my career will be like but I still hope to find dignity in my career being getting appreciated for all the kinds of work I do and does not wants to feel different from others. Like, does not want get judged for my race or religion. Having a dignity is of the important thing for any person, especially at the place where they work. I hope for the same thing when I work as a cyber security in a future.

In conclusion, my paper explains about what cyber security is, what kind of problems people working in that field have to face most of the time and how they deals with it. These are the problems which they go through, and they are different kinds of threats, issues, and challenges. Also, another thing which I explain in my paper is how I can find dignity and meaning in my career through working as cyber security.

That is getting recognized for the kind of hard work I do as working as cyber security and how dignity does not only plays an important role for the people working as cyber security, but also for others too who works in a different field. For example, doctors, nurses, teachers, physicians, workers, engineers, dietitians, dentists, and surgeons. Third thing which I explain in my paper is how I would define dignity and meaning drawing from sources I have read in this class.

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Finding Dignity and Meaning through Cyber Security. (2021, Mar 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/finding-dignity-and-meaning-through-cyber-security/



What is Cyber Security definition best practices and more?
Cybersecurity refers to the protection of digital devices, systems, and networks from unauthorized access, theft, damage, or disruption. Best practices in cybersecurity include implementing strong passwords, regularly updating software, using firewalls and antivirus programs, and educating users on safe online behavior.
What is the role of cyber security in our life?
Cyber security is important in our life because it helps protect our information and devices from cyber attacks.
Why is cybersecurity an ethically significant public good?
Cybersecurity is an ethically significant public good because it is essential to the safety and security of individuals, businesses, and governments. Without adequate cybersecurity measures in place, sensitive information can be compromised, identities can be stolen, and critical infrastructure can be disrupted.
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