My Ideal Job

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As we gradually near the end of school, each student must decide what profession or career path they would like to attempt. Ensuring a purpose helps students to determine which subjects to select for our upcoming IGCSE and IAL examinations. During this time period, everyone find or discover their dream jobs.

An ideal job is a preferred career path for a person. It is something which a person feels interested towards. It is something where a person will work on or with something which they adore.

To find out one’s ideal job, one must first understand what draws them toward it. Personally, I feel myself to be drawn towards chemistry and biology. The science found in living and breathing creatures amaze me. While learning these two subjects, I always see myself to be in awe of how chemistry shows us all the structures and composition of all kinds of substances found in the living organisms and their molecular interactions, which we are taught in biology.

Another thing that draws my attention is “ All Things Makeup!”. I have always been drawn towards beauty and fashion from a young age, though it took me a while to apprehend this. The mechanism of these cosmetic products has only started to kick in recently.

I began thinking about my future when we were asked to select which courses to study for our IGCSE. It took me a while to finally determine that I would like to work in the beauty department of the world. I always wondered what they were using to make these products that a large number of people around the world apply daily. Afterwards, it did not take me very long to figure out the connection between the three things I admire the most.

At the beginning, I researched a lot about what this job would entail. I later discovered that the industry is very tight-knit and cosmetic science courses are pretty hard to attain, but I have made up my mind, and am ready to take n any challenges that comes my way.

An ideal job may sound very promising, but like all things, it will not be perfect.

The only thing we can do is start working towards what it is that we really want, and also remember that if things do not work out, there are more options left to decide from.

Cite this paper

My Ideal Job. (2020, Dec 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-ideal-job/



What are your 3 ideal job qualities?
Qualities employers look for Communication skills. Honesty. Loyalty. Dependability. Teamwork. Flexibility. Self-reliance. Eagerness to learn.
What is an ideal job?
There is no one answer to this question as everyone's definition of an "ideal" job will be different. However, some common elements that might be included in someone's definition of an ideal job could be a job that is interesting and challenging, with co-workers that are supportive and friendly, and a good work/life balance.
What is your ideal job answer?
I would love to work in a position where I can use my creativity to make a difference in the company. I also would like to be able to work with a team of people who are passionate about their work.
Why you are ideal for this job?
Do say: " My years of experience in this field have given me on-the-job knowledge, as well as a sense of where the industry has been and where it's going in the future . I have the kind of technical skills that only come from doing the job for several years.
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