Implicit Bias, Racism and Privilege in Education

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Based on this statement, “Unexamined biases in K-12 STEM classrooms can prevent diverse students from thriving and persisting in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.” I agree. For the reason that students’ part of the STEM field may struggle with privilege, implicit bias, racism, microaggressions, and stereotype threat. Subsequently this problem is often goes unnoticed and effects students from succeeding. Being a privilege student may not be beneficial all the time. A privilege student boy/girl may be held back from reaching their full protentional in the STEM fields because they are stuck in a classroom that doesn’t challenge them.

Weather the student is privilege by having all their resources at home or privilege by being a gifted/talent student. The student will get bored and uninterested in classes. Implicit bias is attitudes, stereotypes and beliefs that can affect how students are treated. It is not intentional; however, it can still impact how we judge others based in factors such as race, culture, ability, language, and gender. Which can lead to unfair differences in the use of exclusionary discipline practices, such as suspension and expulsion for students. Racism in a classroom can prevent the diversity of ethnicities to have the students clash amongst each other. Racism in the classroom can isolate individuals which results in a student feeling/being felt out.

Studies exploring the impact of professional norms and workplace socialization have demonstrated ways in which heteronormative assumptions can increase pressure on LGBTQA individuals to downplay the importance of gender and sexual orientation in their personal lives or to hide their queer identities altogether. In contrast, higher rates of job satisfaction and lowered anxiety are reported by employees who disclose their identities at work (Griffith & Hebl, 2002)

In this scenario I believe Tim’s performance in class was mostly his lack of motivation. Reading that the student came from poor academic high school back ground, I believe this has nothing to do with implicit bias, racism, microaggressions, and stereotype threat. However, this student is not privilege. Furth more, Tim could have made it an effort to speak to his professor and explain himself. As a critically reflective practitioner the professor did everything he could to try and reach out to the student. There is only so much a teacher can do before the student has to make the decision and help themselves.

Because this student does come from poor academic high school back ground, college may not be the best option for this student at this time. This student may need to mature before they take on college course. If the student is still trying to go to college, starting college they offer a college readiness course to help student out with good habits. This scenario can be completely different if the student was struggling in the class and being open with the professor. However, the student was constantly missing appointment even through the professor was willing to offer the student accommodations. There are certain people/students that are known as the “have’s” and “have not”. After high school these “have” and “have not’s” people/students are easy to become because high school is a lot easier then college.

The “’have” students will have the motivation to accomplish assignment/classes. The “have not” students don’t have the motivation to accomplish assignments/classes. And this isn’t because of any type of disability just the lack of motivation. I have worked at a college in the department of students with disabilities. Seeing different kind of students with disabilities like being blind, deaf, or with a limb willing to still find the resources and time to pass classes I believe Tim could had also.

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Implicit Bias, Racism and Privilege in Education. (2022, Jan 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/implicit-bias-racism-and-privilege-in-education/

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