Is Google Making Us Stupid Essay Examples and Research Papers
18 essay samples on this topic
Essay Examples
Is Google Making us Stupid – Article Written by Nicholas Carr Argumentative Essay
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Is Google Making Us Stupid
Nicholas Carr – “Is Google Making Us Stupid”
Is Google Making Us Stupid
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“Is Google Making Us Stupid” Article Review
Is Google Making Us Stupid
Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr Argumentative Essay
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Is Google Making Us Stupid
In case you have any struggles writing Iis google making us stupid nicholas carr essays Google Making Us Stupid Nicholas Carr essay, you can read our essay on the topic to find inspiration in writing your own paper.
In Nicholas Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” he does a fascinating job at making it clear that technology appears to have shortened our attention span. He pushes each and every person reading the article to think deeply about the internet and more specifically, how Google is affecting us. He brings in many interesting topics, personal experiences, and facts from studies and universities to justify that Google is not making us stupid, but rather implies it. Google is changing the way we think on important everyday activities and tasks we must complete by shortening our attention span instead of thinking as complex as we should and strengthening our reliance on Google.
Iis google making us stupid nicholas carr essays Google Making Us Stupid Nicholas Carr essay state that Carr brings in his own personal experience on how the internet has caused us to not be able to concentrate or focus for long periods at a time. He writes, “Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages, I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do… I think I know what’s going on. For more than a decade now, I’ve been spending a lot of time online, searching and surfing and sometimes adding to the great database of the internet”. He brings it to the reader’s attention, that because our minds are being constantly drawn to a screen we tend to lose focus when changing our direction to reading long passages. This is not isolated to only Carr, we are all guilty of this situation of reading an excess amount on a screen. As he continues, he talks more about the internet becoming the universal medium, and the background of all information in conversations. If we need information, we don’t go down to our local library and find this information through books. Instead we look it up on the internet.
As Carr asks himself this question, “Is google making us stupid?” as readers, we all are forced to ask ourselves this very same reflective question. The author discusses that our attention spans have significantly reduced, meaning that we can not stay connected with the text we are reading. Carr expresses that the more time he spends, both reading and browsing online, the worse his reading skills get. People have avoided reading the entirety of the text, now by skimming or only reading the first portion. Carr states, “ Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski”. Along the same lines, technology is providing us with immense reading resources like online libraries, but instead of reading the book, we read the: title, main points and skim the outline. This has everything to do with the weakening of our attention spans and nothing to do with Google itself.
Students in Iis google making us stupid nicholas carr essays Google Making Us Stupid Nicholas Carr essay write that Google is leading to the fact that people’s attention spans are depleting and as a society, we are overall suffering. No, Google is not making us stupid, but what I believe it is doing is showing us new ways of gaining knowledge with a rapid exchange of ideas.
People used to be able to take time out of their day with trips to the local library, spending hours searching for the perfect book. Waiting at the edge of their seats for the next release to come out. In the world we live in today, we come home from work, jump into bed, open our phones and pull up videos getting annoyed if it doesn’t load instantly. Carr expresses only one side of the change we are going through, and that is the loss of book habits.
Revisiting the claim that Nicholas Carr has made about the internetis google making us stupid nicholas carr essay has made each person think critically about Google and the effects it has on us as people and a society, now supported by evidence and further explained, can be better understood and looked into by each self. Now that we are aware of what is happening we can use more self-discipline and limit time on our phones while increasing the time we spend reading on paper. Because we rely so much on our screens, we have to learn to rewire and retain our neurons to have a stronger memory and to extend our attention span to its originally thriving state. As society has grown, and technology has improved, it has become more challenging to go back and regain what we once had.