Laws Against Cyber Crimes

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The following essay meticulously discusses the crimes attended by the cyber net world. This includes the general statistics of how the world has been affected negatively through the wrongdoings of the cyber net. The paper will also include a common understanding of the cyber net world and how it operates and from where does it work, the laws made to prevent it. The federal and provincial government have introduced bills in the last three decades to cater to the cybercrime issue, but the rules are not enough to meet the needs of individuals and organizations due to enhancement in technology and sharing of information between hackers. A survey of the available literature highlights the need for organizations to upgrade themselves to meet the needs of the contemporary digital world where cyber-attacks are getting more sophisticated.

The definition has been provided by the United States Department of justice and states “any violation regarding criminal law which incorporates any knowledge related computer technology for their perpetration, investigation or prosecution” is known as to be a cyber-net crime. This definition has been defined by the department of justice in the US, and this is authentic as it can be. There can be certain laws and amendments to those laws in such regard where the things that have been mentioned cannot be taken into consideration without the use of any other idea or source (“A to Z of Cyber Crime Asian School of Cyber Laws,’ n.d.). There have been some essential names given to this approach, and they are stated as follow; computer-related crime, computer crime, internet crime, e-crime, high-tech crime, online crime, online crime, electronic crime, computer misconduct, and cybercrime. These are only a considerable name given to the offense that occurred online.

The history goes back to the invention of the computers and software as those of Microsoft. Different hackers and online thieves made their way of breaking into other user’s account details and access them differently without their allowance. This broke fury in the lives of those whose data has been hacked. It had been a disaster to recover all the data (National Response Centre for Cyber Crime, 2013). Therefore, there had been specific laws and regulations made to incur all the violators to the cybercrime. The internet has been considered to be one of the most comprehensive networks online and how it has gathered the entire globe under its influence. The contemporary world has set a new record in achieving goals towards digitization and expansion of the networks worldwide. This expansion has led the Information Technology aspects in the world to reach new goals. These aspirations and needs have been taken into consideration by the ethical demands of internet lovers (Pernik, Wojtkowiak, & Verschoor-Kirss, 2016). The hackers and the people, who have been involved in the crimes, have been known to see things differently as they have already been occupied. This lasts longer and ethical to the ones that cannot be taken into consideration to the ones that are not seen ethical.

However, the demands for the ones need not be do found in one of the cases and things that can be worth more than that. The claim that computer and internet activity has given in another context is that of how things have been managed, in other words, the process of globalization is seen in those of the ones needed to be taken into consideration. Globalized world has been connected and brought into another era which helped enlighten the globe into the glories of different aspects necessary in terms of emulsification (provisions for prevention of electronic crimes,” n.d.).

Technology has become a daily part of our lives, and things have been taken into consideration in technological aspects, which have managed to create an eco-system in the world. An eco-system may consist of similar items belonging from the same technical house, and it only means to have been noticed by the ones that need not be seen. The unnoticed aspects do not linger upon the needs of another technological crime data, how things can turn into something they might have never been able to identify from a distance and they cannot be taken into consideration taking what needs to be done. However, the demand for one technological advancement is seen in another one and how things are noticed in one more way. There are different demands in one country and one in another; these different demands need not be taken seriously and consumed in terms of what needs to be done by how things will be managed. To see where cybercrime has occurred, one must know the logic and facts of the place and see where things go.

These will enhance the need for more than one aspect of what needs to be done. This may or may not lead to cyberbullying and this is yet another crime noticed in one more phase of life, considered horrible and a heinous crime. These crime rates are seen most often wrong and unacceptable in society; this cannot be taken into consideration. Due to the process of globalization, the concept of wireless connectivity has taken place and how things have been seen in terms of what needs to be done as an aspect of how the world will come to notice the cybercrime aspects (Moise, 2017). The wireless long-distance connections have made it enable to make the world connect on another level is unfathomable. This is not something that the cybercrime will decrease in.

Cyber laws are aimed at catering to the crimes related to different aspects of the cyber world, for instance, financial frauds, cyber warfare, and cyber terrorism, computer as target and equipment as a tool. The cyber laws may vary between the types of crime, but generally, the laws can be generalized to different kinds of evil committed in the cyber world. The rules related to cybercrime in the United States are regulations which are directives from the legislative and executive branch of the government. The cybersecurity regulations aim to provide a general outline of security related to cyber world to the different government and private organizations so that they can implement policies which can protect their systems from any form of external threat. The threat to the organizations and companies are most probably related to stealing or tempering the information on the methods through viruses, denial of service (DOS) attacks, trojan horses, control system attacks, unauthorized access, and phishing (Romanosky, & Goldman, 2016).

The three primary federal cybersecurity regulations in the United States are stated as below:

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
  • Homeland Security Act

The three laws are central to the cybercrime regulations for financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and federal agencies. The rules are not comprehensive enough to guide different levels of security, but the leadership operates as general principles which allow organizations to ensure system protection and information safety. One of the key obstacles with these laws is the ambiguous language of the statutes which provides much room for interpretation (Denning, 2015). Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed in the year 1996 which was followed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999. In 2002, the Homeland Security Act was passed to include the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).

In the last five years, four significant laws were passed with the aim to comprehensively provide guidance on security the cyber world from any form of threat at the federal level and these laws included Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), Cybersecurity Enhancement Act, Federal Exchange Data Breach Notification Act, and National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act. The purpose of the Cybersecurity Information Act (CISA) is to improve the overall information sharing information about cybersecurity threats.

One of the primary roles it plays in the cybersecurity is to provide information sharing related to internet traffic between the companies and U.S. government, and the U.S. Senate passed it in the year 2015. In the same way, the purpose of the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act was to create a voluntary public-private partnership for the enhancement of research and development in the field. It also included workforce development, public awareness, education, and preparedness. The law was signed by the end of the year 2014 (Werbach, 2017). The Federal Exchange Data Breach Notification Act of 2015 empowered individuals by asking health insurance exchange to notify each when his or her data is accessed for many reasons. National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act in 2015 aimed at amending the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to make it more comprehensive.

The threats of the cyber world are increasing day by day despite an effort from the national and state level governments to strengthen security systems due to the enhanced level of sophistication. The sophistication is not limited to technological advancement; instead, it is due to the increased connectedness and information sharing between hackers in the digital world. In recent years, many incidents of cyber-attacks on government and private organizations have made it to the headlines which indicate the need of the higher level of awareness on behalf of organizations to secure their systems from any form of cyber-attack.


  1. A to Z of Cyber Crime Asian School of Cyber Laws. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.dbs.com/act/assets/pdf/leap-a2z.pdf
  2. Denning, D. E. (2015). Rethinking the cyber domain and deterrence.
  3. Moise, A. C. (2017). The Legal Regulation of Cybercrime in the United States of America Legislation. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 8(5 (27)), 1576-1578.
  4. National Response Centre for Cyber Crime. (2013, January 1). Retrieved February 24, 2019, from http://www.nr3c.gov.pk/cybercrime.html
  5. Pernik, P., Wojtkowiak, J., & Verschoor-Kirss, A. (2016). National cybersecurity organization: United States. NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence: Tallinn.
  6. Provisions for prevention of electronic crimes.’ (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.na.gov.pk/uploads/documents/1470910659_707.pdf
  7. Romanosky, S., & Goldman, Z. (2016). Cyber collateral damage. Procedia Computer Science, 95, 10-17.
  8. Werbach, K. (2017). The Song Remains the Same: What Cyber law Might Teach the Next Internet Economy. Fla. L. Rev., 69, 887.

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Laws Against Cyber Crimes. (2020, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/laws-against-cyber-crimes/

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