Serial Killer Essay Examples and Research Papers

20 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Unraveling the Enigma: Nature vs. Nurture in Serial Killers’ Origins

Pages 3 (550 words)

Serial Killer

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Psychology of a Serial Killer, Antisocial Behavior, Genetics

Pages 11 (2 625 words)



Serial Killer

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The Psychology of a Serial Killers

Pages 16 (3 761 words)


Serial Killer

Open Document

Psychology of Serial Killer

Pages 3 (670 words)


Serial Killer

Open Document

Serial Killers in the Media and in Real Life: Dexter and Ted Bundy

Pages 8 (1 891 words)


Serial Killer

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Psychopath and Behavior of Serial Killer

Pages 3 (668 words)


Serial Killer

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Understanding of Serial Killer

Pages 3 (654 words)

Character Traits


Serial Killer

Open Document

The Creations of a Serial Killer: Nature vs Nurture Research Paper

Pages 3 (660 words)

Nature vs Nurture

Serial Killer

Open Document

Ted Bundy Serial Killer Research Paper

Pages 8 (1 961 words)


Serial Killer

Open Document

Serial Killers and Who They Are

Pages 9 (2 226 words)


Serial Killer

Open Document
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Check a list of useful topics on Serial Killer selected by experts

Aileen Wuornos America’s First Female Serial Killer

Aileen Wuornos: Anatomy of a Female Serial Killer

Am I a Serial Killer

Americas First Serial Killer

Analysis of Ted Bundy Serial Killer

Charles Manson: Serial Killer Profile Essay (Critical Writing)

Dexter Morgen – Vigilante Serial Killer

Edmund Kemper: The Serial Killer

H. H. Holmes Americas First Serial Killer

Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer

J. Dahmer as a Sexually-Motivated Serial Killer

Jack The Ripper: Serial Killer

Jeffery Lionel Dahmer: Well-Known American Serial Killer

John Wayne Gacy As A Serial Killer

Karla Homolka: Canadian Serial Killer

Life of American Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer

Lifestory of Serial Killer Dorothea Puente

Luis Garavito: The World’s Worst Serial Killer

Made or Born a Serial Killer

Mansion of a serial killer – Creative Writing

Monologue of a Serial Killer

Nature Versus Nurture: What Makes a Serial Killer

Profiling Serial Killer Wayne Williams

Research Paper on The Psychology of a Serial Killer

Research Paper on What Makes a Serial Killer

Serial Killer Edmund Kemper III

Serial Killer H.H. Holmes

Serial Killer Mind

Serial Killer Research

Serial Killer Research Paper: Alexander Pichushkin

Serial Killer Richard Chase

Some NeoFreudian Views on a Serial Killer

The Application of Two Personality Theories to the life of a Serial Killer – Jeffrey Dahmer

The Impact of Nature and Nurture on The Development of a Serial Killer

The Role of Nature and Nurture in Determining a Serial Killer

Theodore Robert Bundy – Serial Killer

You Too Can Learn To Be A Serial Killer …Now Let’s Begin

Zodiac, The Mysterious Serial Killer of 1960-1970s

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