Experience Culture Shock during Study Abroad

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Nowadays, there are more people choose to study abroad. Therefore, they must experience a lot of culture shock in other countries. Why we experience culture shock? National culture refers to the historical development and social heritage. Due to the different historical developments of different ethnic groups. The culture formed in the long history of national history is different. As a foreign student in America, I experience many different kind of culture shock when I first came to America.

For example, most of the Chinese like drinking hot tea or hot water because we think it is a very healthy habit to keep health. However, when I moved to Hawaii to study, I noticed that many people put water with ice cubes in their bottle. And most of the restaurants provide ice water to the customer. This difference in eating habits makes it difficult for Chinese people to adapt to it. Hence, culture shock is one of the influence of culture.

About the influence of gender, the role of woman in China has continued to evoke over the centuries. In China, the role of Chinese women also varies by location and social status. Wealthy, poor, and urban Chinese women may have slightly different roles in their communities. In the past, Chinese women had a very low social status and society expected Chinese women to be obedient to their husband and male.

Moreover, women even did not have names and when they got married, they would be referred to their father’s last name. For respect of education, women cannot make choice of their own in receiving education and job their lives are arranged. What’s worse, they are taught to be perfect housewives dealing with some needlework at home. In modern China, they are allowed to receive high education as they desire.

Some of them even take a great step forward in launching and expanding their business from small to big, with the equipment of their intelligence and capabilities. Especially, women executives can be found in many companies. Thus, they can be economically independents and they are no longer a vassal of men in family life. The status of women is no longer suppressed.

In conclusion, as millions of women have played a vital role in the society development. We have to acknowledge that women can make a great influence on China nowadays. In addition, for most of the overseas students, they must experience a lot of culture shock. Culture shock is an occupational disease for people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. Culture shock has many stages. Each stage can be ongoing or appear only at certain times. We can slowly adapt to the culture shock after we live in a new place for a long time.


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Experience Culture Shock during Study Abroad. (2021, Oct 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/experience-culture-shock-during-study-abroad/



How do you overcome culture shock while studying abroad?
It can be difficult to overcome culture shock while studying abroad, but it is possible by immersing yourself in the new culture and trying to understand the customs and traditions.
How does culture shock affect international students?
Culture shock is a feeling of disorientation that can occur when a person travels to a new country and experiences a different culture. It can affect international students in a number of ways, including making them feel isolated, confused, and homesick.
What are you going to do if you experience culture shock when you go abroad?
If you experience culture shock when you go abroad, you may feel homesick or uncomfortable. To help cope with culture shock, it is important to be patient, open-minded, and flexible. Additionally, try to immerse yourself in the local culture by learning the language and participating in activities.
What is your experience with culture shock?
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