Consequences of the Failure of Providing Clear Procedures to Study Participants

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When developing a study, there is a need to provide a clear procedure under which it would be possible to ensure that the participants have a clear understanding on what the study entails and the research process In this case, it is clear that the subjects were not effectively taken through the whole process that resulted in a significant number of participants opting out before the conclusion of the study. A consent form is crucial in this case since it highlights all the important points involving the study including the risks and any possible injuries that participants may experience during participation. A participant, in this case, opts to participate while having a clear understanding of what is expected of him or her and ensuring that the sample size remains constant where the findings can be considered more reliable and valid.

The study would have clearly highlighted the fact that the study takes a period of 9 months in its inclusion strategy as well as effectively developing an exclusion strategy, which would have provided the key elements that define the study. The sample size that was considered in the study was 50 subjects and thus everything is assessed based on the total sample size considered. The remaining sample size of 29 subjects cannot form the basis under which the research conclusion can be made. The sample is very low which limits the overall understanding on whether the new therapy technique is effective. The main issue, in this case, is the inability to provide the most appropriate and complete research methodology.

Validity is an important process in any given research and must be effectively developed to provide a clear understanding under which it would be easier to develop a greater understanding under which it would be crucial in having a better and successful research process that highlights all the necessary concepts that need to be considered when carrying out a research. A valid research includes research that has legitimate conclusions that can be replicated. The threats to validity in this case focus on important processes occurring internally or externally in limiting the overall legitimacy of the findings as highlighted in this case.

The threat to internal validity include the incomplete methodology that created a loophole under which the sample size was not effectively engaged creating a very difficult environment where accurate findings would be obtained. Mortality is a serious internal threat to validity in this case considering the high level of participant dropout from the sample group that was being investigated.  The threat to external validity in this case is the small sample size that was used to make inferences regarding the effectiveness of the new depression therapy. Experimenter effect is another possible threat to validity that influences the outcome in this case where there is a better understanding under which the participants are influenced. It is likely that an issue that was not effectively addressed by the researcher that in turn negatively influenced the whole process influenced the high number of dropout from the study.

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Consequences of the Failure of Providing Clear Procedures to Study Participants. (2023, Apr 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/consequences-of-the-failure-of-providing-clear-procedures-to-study-participants/

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