Banning Cell Phones in Schools Based on Should Kids Have a Cellphone in School by Edward C. Baig

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Should students be allowed to use their cellphones in schools? In the article, “Should Kids Have a Cellphone in School”, Edward C. Baig debates whether schools should ban cellphones People who agree on banning cellphones say they affect children‘s focus on learning. Also, kids are getting addicted to using their cellphones can hurt kids eyes when they use them too much, The author explains why people disagree with banning cellphones. Children need cellphones in case of emergencies and to keep in communication with their parents. The author says that schools will have to set their own. Because using cellphones is causing kids to be distracted, giving them health problems and creating safety issues, I agree with the author that phones should be taken away from kids. First I agree that kids should not be permitted to use cell phones in school because phones are a distraction.

When kids play with their phones instead of paying in schooll As example, a teacher might ask a kid to pull out a phone during a given lesson, “to do x. y, z. But the reality is that many kids won’t pay attention and follow the teacher’s rules and some of them will go straight to playing on their video games. Second, this problem also effects teachers because kids will be more distracted by cell phones and pay less attention to the teacher and to the lesson, Kids have a higher chance of getting in trouble if they use cell phones in school. For example, 75 percent of teachers reported that the attention spans of students have decreased. and students regularly intermpted by text messages had 10.6 percent lower on their test scores. Although, kids have cellphones schools should lock up student’s cell phones during class. In addition, cellphone can affect kids’ health because it causes kids to have emotional problem.

For example, Kids can have anxiety from their phones, In the article, Baig points out that “Kids nowadays already have a ton of anxiety”. This means that phones cannot prevent children from cyberbullying and students shouldn‘t have to deal with it during school. In the article. Baig says “According to nonprofit family media watchdog Common sense Media, 24 percent of kids from 8 to 12 years old have their own smanphone and 67 percent of their teenage counterparts do, with teenagers using an average of about six hours’ worth of entertainment media daily. This means that kids are getting a distraction by using their cellphones a lot and is affecting on kids‘ health because nowadays kids spend a lot using their cellphone that it can effect on their vision. Also, cellphones are addictive to on young children. For example, children are being more focused on Google, YouTube and other social media.

And this is a main issue because children are more addictive on this thing than their school education. In the article it says, “What most everyone agrees on is that screen- time addiction is a problem for young and old, an issue that companies such as Apple, Google, and Facebook are finally tackling with recently announced software updates”. However, a cellphone can affect the safety on kids. I agree that kids should have phones for their safety. For example, parents can have a communication with their kids. In the article it says, “Safety concerns are also often given as a reason to let kids have devices at school. When there’s an accident or tragic incident. the presence of phones lets parents get in touch with the kids, and the kids can get in touch with a parent .

This mean that there a reason why the kids should have a device in school. Instead, I believe that kids should have their phones for only emergency call. For example, kids should use their phone to contact their parents when they out of school or when they coming back to home. In the article, Baig quotes: Ruston says “NPR report in which security experts have said that letting a kid have a phone in the classroom. During a lockdown make them less safe, not more”. This means that if a child is quiet during a lockdown and he or she cellphone rings during a lockdown it will be less safe to the other students because the robber or shooter will know that they were hiding in the classroom.

In my opinion, I think that kids should put their phones in vibration or silent because it can be safer for them and other kids during a lockdown. In Conclusion, I agree that cellphones should be ban from schools. In addition, cellphones can cause distraction, health problems and cause problem on safety Also, cellphones is a distraction because it can effect on kids because their grades go low. Cellphones are being an addiction to kids because they spend more time on social media than doing their homework. Finally, Cellphones can cause safety because they can use their phone for emergency call and contact their parents.

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Banning Cell Phones in Schools Based on Should Kids Have a Cellphone in School by Edward C. Baig. (2023, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/banning-cell-phones-in-schools-based-on-should-kids-have-a-cellphone-in-school-by-edward-c-baig/

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