A Contrast Between the Meaning of Marriage in India and America

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Marriage is a spectrum of continuous process in which a socially interactive union of a couple that are established within a certain culture’s customs and obligation. Being that this definition is so broad, marriage is not that simple or nearly the same for all wedded couples. Marriage has it’s own meaning amongst different practices around the world. While they all share some similar factors, the difference is what makes marriage such a difficult term to define.

The United States and India are both two countries that utilize marriage in similar aspects. Both customs believe that marriage is established by a special relationship between cohabiting male and female that is socially recognized involving economic aspects, and can usually imply procreation. In the US, typically; but not all circumstances, individuals come to a mutual endorsement or agreement with another whom he or she is willing to unionize all aspects of living based on compatibility, and attraction, and “love”. Parents, typically, but not in all circumstances, do not choose their child’s spouse; and are usually supportive of the child decision. Couples tend to be close in age and share common attribute such as education, culture background, and social class.

The underlying meaning of marriage and approach that couples undergo leading to marriage is what disjoints the cultures shared custom. In Nanda’s “Arranging a Marriage in India”, one Indian woman states: [Girls in America are] “spend more time worrying about whether they will meet a man and get married. Here we have the chance to enjoy our life and let our parents do this work and worrying for us”. The accuracy of this statement genuinely supports the mindset about how American women look for a mate, and all the other components women make themselves beautiful to attract a man. This example bolds a prime disadvantage that free-choice based marriage has on one’s life and the complication and stress it causes for one seeking to find a life partner by oneself. Once a marriage is arranged, and the couple is bound together, it is highly unlikely that the couple will get a divorce, which cannot be said for free choice marriages. An arranged marriage is the beginning of a lifetime relationship not just between couples, but also their families as well. When problems arise in the marriage, both the families try to work it out amongst each other.

Marriage practices vary across cultures. Every culture has its own way of conducting marriage according to their traditions and customs. Most cultures share common customs and practices, while some cultures have unique practices. Each practice has it’s areas that need improvement or adjustments. Marriage is demanding; the importance of understanding that all the different types marriages come with their own benefits and challenges, it is difficult to determine one correct way to define the marriage. The importance key that is often disregarded, due to the spotlight on the cons, is that in every culture that chooses to or to not practice marriage, the people are in high spirits and satisfied with their way of life. Marriage is not defined by meaning in which other have established, but by how each customs determines it to be.

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A Contrast Between the Meaning of Marriage in India and America. (2023, May 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-contrast-between-the-meaning-of-marriage-in-india-and-america/

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