The Significance of Collecting Appropriate Data in Human Services

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Although most people view the act of collecting data a tedious experience, it’s a prerequisite element in human services. This is because it provides the overall purpose of carrying out the exercise of intake and assessment, and consequently ensuring the quality of information. As such, a proper and accurate collection of data enhances accountability within the health facility, as well as a successful hand-off process,  particularly from the intake to the assessment exercise.  Therefore, the intake and assessment exercise is the initial meeting between the social worker and the client during which the medical caregiver gathers all the relevant information to address the immediate need of her client so as to encourage her engagement and retention in service.

As well, the intake and assessment can be used to screen clients so as to assess the model and relevance of management services most suitable to the current needs of the client. Thus, this paper will detail the importance of collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment, and stretch further to address potential concerns associated with collecting the wrong data based on the case study of Belinda. Collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment programs is a fundamental aspect of action plan because it helps in easy identification of the health and welfare needs of the client enabling the medical caregiver to obtain a holistic View of the strengths of her client. Also, it identifies the client‘s previous experiences and expectations from the program, The information collected during the process of the intake and assessment dictates the kind of management and treatment plans of the client based on the development of individual needs.

As a result, the client receives the most suitable management services and action plans relevant to her current medical needs. In addition, an appropriate collection of intake and assessment data helps expand the vision of changes of the client that is possible. This is because the appropriate collection of data helps the client detail descriptions of those times and situation when her healthy complication didn‘t have a strong negative effect on the normal functioning of her body system. Consequently, this will encourage and shift the imaginations of the client to a positive aspect. As such, the client will be encouraged to visualize and describe how her life would be without the problem, and subsequently her vision of changes.

Additionally, collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment plays an important role with regards to enhancing the client’s coping strategies and ego defenses. Typically, a coping strategy is a conscious effort and fairly deliberate effort of solving a problem. On the contrary, an ego defense mechanism is more of an unconscious way of avoiding a problem. Thus, if the intake and assessment show that the client doesn’t have necessary coping strategies, the intervention plan would focus on helping her learn specific coping skills so as to be able to counteract the severity of the problem. In conclusion, it’s evident that its essential to collect appropriate data for intake and assessment program.

That notwithstanding, collecting the wrong data brings about various potential concerns. However, potential problems are likely to be experienced when collecting intake and assessment data using traditional methods such as paper forms and clipboards. With this method, the possibility of collecting wrong data is very high, let alone maintaining the records of this data Hence, potential concerns can be avoided using mobile forms in which the information regarding the client is embedded in login and run on devices such as iPad and tablets for easy storage and retrieval. Nonetheless, collecting wrong data will affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the management and treatment plans because the information collected is not based on the accurate individual needs of the client. This will lead to ineffective action plans offered for the program.

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The Significance of Collecting Appropriate Data in Human Services. (2023, Apr 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-significance-of-collecting-appropriate-data-in-human-services/

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