The Recommended Steps of Comprehension and Reflections for Readers/Writers

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Recommended steps of comprehension were explained in chapter seven. The book suggests that there are three major components of this which include: previewing the text, getting the gist and finally summarizing the text Each of these steps mention several smaller ideas contained within to help readers/writers in comprehending what they are reading. Under the preview of the text component, some of the smaller ideas were to note the title and subtitles, read first sentences and paragraphs, and note the key terms. Under the get the gist section, the author suggests that one should read through the articles once over and grasp the main ideas.

Lastly, in the summarize stage, it states that we should try to make a short summary that contains the important or main topics of the selection at hand. There are also many steps to aid reflections as well as suggested by the text. It claims that first one must annotate the text What this means, is that we should skim the article and highlight or underline information we would like to develop in our paper. Some of the ways we can do this is by underlining definitions, biases, tones, and other concepts. By doing so, we can reflect on many aspects of the readings and gain a more developed idea on them, while also realizing our own feelings and attitudes about what is being said. Reflections are our own ideas, rather the ideas of the author.

When preparing to write, the book also adds more suggestions, It claims we should analyze the information that we have highlighted and other ideas that interest us. Next, we must interpret to interpret means to review what the text suggests or proves through facts. After this step we synthesize, which is connecting the information to personal experience or other texts we have read After this step, we must critique. Critique is to evaluate with having a well—informed idea.

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The Recommended Steps of Comprehension and Reflections for Readers/Writers. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-recommended-steps-of-comprehension-and-reflections-for-readers-writers/

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