The New Experiences on How to Care and Rescue Animals in the Internship

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In this internship I hope to experience how to care and rescue animals. Animal behavior is something I would like to get familiar with, I want to know the best approach to handle other creatures and understand them more. I am aware of the endangerment of many animals due to human civilization and I hope to lend a hand to any animal as support to keep them in check. Animals are important to keep healthy because of they are the nice things on Earth that keep us fascinated as well as their importance to keep the wild cultivating and balanced. There are many types of animals and I want a variety of them to take care of. I have some experience as I have a dog of my own that I care for and take to the vet occasionally. Now I get the chance to be aside a vet and help other many more animals.

Interning will also increase my skills with others that I will work with. A team effort is one skill would like to strengthen in this time. This will make my work more productive in school and after I leave to pursue a job. Along with this will bring me more connections, which is vital to keep me on a successful future. As a person in a community I want to give back and be useful in society, it gives me pleasure that I am making someone’s day or helping our community to be better than it already is. All these skills will be carried with me and be most useful in any situation.

I have watched a couple of episodes of The Incredible Dr. Pol and was a bit inspired by how he was able to help animals even in a state that seemed impossible to save. An animal’s body is different than a human one, this gives me a more to learn and question about. Helping animals would also look nice on my resume for future job careers. This experience will expand my career choices and will also allow me to understand a feeling of professionalism in an office or work place. Experience like this will give me more confidence in this field if I decide to pursue it in the future.


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The New Experiences on How to Care and Rescue Animals in the Internship. (2022, Dec 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-new-experiences-on-how-to-care-and-rescue-animals-in-the-internship/

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