The Key Qualities Necessary for Excelling in Middle School: Being a Hard Worker, Good Time Management, and Being a Helpful Listener

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Welcome to middle school. The two years of an adolescent’s life, that they either love forever, or hate with a passion. In the end though, one must find a way to get through them. It may sound challenging, but this task is quite simpler then thought of, Three key qualities to help children excel both socially and academically include; being a hard worker, having good time management, and always knowing how to be a helpful listener. These traits may seem apparent but are a truly daunting with the distractions and negative pressure sent from fellow peers. If you are able to master them, however, you will find middle school an enjoyable couple of years. The first and most important characteristic to accumulate, being a good listener, is also the more challenging of the three.

The ability to ignore others opinions, and follow just one’s own, is not only effortless, but also self-destructive. Not being able to accept constructive criticism from adults or companions alike can prevent a person from doing their absolute best, Always remember, to hear out ideas and comments before rejecting them. It is also important to be attentive when in class and with friends, In a learning atmosphere one must know what is being taught, and what assignments need to be done. This way anyone can stay ahead in all courses, In a social situation however, listening to others can be categorized simply as, being a good friend. The difficulties associated with growing up can include; boys/girls, teachers, friends, family, and school work.

These struggles can all be unsteady and stressful, which is why, an ear to talk to is a helpful aid. Being a supportive friend and paying attention in class are two important skills to have, but what happens when this becomes too much? The answer is time management is significant, particularly when it comes to balancing out academic and social lives. Once a person becomes familiar with how to manage their time accordingly, they will have no trouble planning out their day. They will find bonding with family, having fun with friends, and doing afterschool works all an effortless part of the schedule they had originally created time management also aids in the prevention of procrastination.

If one has a set time and date for a specific paper or essay, then they will be unable to avoid it, without disturbing their daily plans. The last quality to consistently keep in mind is being a hard worker. Setting a goal and having the drive to achieve that goal, takes a lot of effort in each course a person takes, they will be given multiple papers, projects, essays, and tests. They must continue to maintain these assignments with a high level of dedication, and never become apathetic when turning them in if someone does find themselves slacking off with their grades, it is important for them too immediately adjust their habits.

The tendencies a middle school child starts will follow them through out high school, and probably college, that is why it is such a necessity to begin good study habits at this crucial age. One will find it a vital help presently, and in the far and near future. It is common to make mistakes and choice unwise decisions at such a young na’ive age. A person is only in middle school and this can be expected. Hopefully however, having the knowledge of these three qualities, a now rising seventh grader will succeed. They have a more resourceful insight and can become better prepared for future events. Once again, welcome to middle school and enjoy.

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The Key Qualities Necessary for Excelling in Middle School: Being a Hard Worker, Good Time Management, and Being a Helpful Listener. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-key-qualities-necessary-for-excelling-in-middle-school-being-a-hard-worker-good-time-management-and-being-a-helpful-listener/

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