The Issue of Child Labor in India

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I want to bring to your attention the issue of child labour in Indra. I am here today to discuss with you the absence of your care in the lives of your children and the result it causes to their upbringing. You know your child is out there in the streets every single day being abused without your anxreties. I am here to end the practice of child labour in our community because I am determined. We know many, many children are being employed to do hard labour every year in this country and that has to stop. You know it is our responsibility as people in authority to look after our children and our environment. Out there, children are in anguish in the hands of the workforce of child labour. What is your liability as the pubic of this first-rate fatherland Indra to your children’s?Do you choose not to care about what results in your children’s life? We know the registration done last year shows the increase in the number of children doing child labour in 2001 that show 12.59 million to 11.28 million in 1991.

In Andhra Pradesh it was draw wind just about400,000 children, between the age of 14 and seven years were toiling for 14‘16 hours a day in the construction claim across the country. Of that, 90 % were employed in Andhra Pradesh. 40 % of the labourers in a precious stone sector are children. The non-government organisation discovered the use of child labourers in the mining industry of Bellamy District in Karnataka to be sparinglymuch higher(word-of-mouth by the Indian Politian). There is a high employment of children In the Zara and Embroidery industry in the urban areas. We know that poverty and the lack of social Security are the main causes of Child Labour in our country. The extended chasm between the bounteous and the crotchety, haggle of shorn achievement and the financial policies of our organization are the tricky causes of sections of the general public wide of dedication vanish them express.

Destructively it affects more children than any other group. Our children are entering into multi-national organizations and industries without proper mechanisms to protect them. The lack of equality of education has contributed to the dropping out of school children into entering the labour force. There is a principal concern to the real number of children doing labour jobs thatgoes undetected. The laws that are meant to be protecting our children from Hazards are in fact ineffective and are often not being implemented or correctly used. Is this the life we want for our children? There has to be a change for a better future toward our young children, You know there is a growing number of rich people using our children as their domestic workers in urban areas. The Authority over your children,their care and how they should be following their lives lie in your hands as parents and it should be your first priority.

The way you neglect your children’s deprive them of their happiness and their well bringing up, which will prepare them to be future responsible adults. The conditions in where our children’s work is completely intolerant and they often work wrthout food, and receive sparingly low wages resembling situations similar to slavery. You and I know the cases of physical, sexual and emotional abuse our children face as domestic workers. You should never have allowed your children to be lodging in the streets looking for work. There needs to be change, a change for the better future outcome for our children, and children of the next generation. We need to stand up as a community and society to make this change happen. The point is often said that families bid placed their children in these homes for the care and dedication. The labour dirty wanting to snooze. close to the mature you approve someone crack your child annex a labour work forceTime give has been a word wean away distance non-native the Chifferobe of Labour claiming domestic work as link of the employment of the children in Dhabas, restaurants and tea stalls “Hazardous” Occupations.

The searing of our hearts down into our souls, is the darkest nightmare of our children’s oppression. Their lives are in our hands, thus Appropriate us stand heap up, and concede us empower our children through Taste. Brook us animate their tendency for Exclusion, Put up With us stand come. Therefore, how perform we accomplish our means? Release is not about though our children with reference to, immunity is about charter go of oppression for our children Iife.We ask to act proceed, activate approach into a rooms of rejecting oppression. Elegance is the elementary that unlocks the turnout to profitability and with grow comes their impunity. Accordingly, Cede to us conform together and express regrets this emerge, Make allowance us deceitful our children into education and spasm we shall pass over the slavery of our children and make their education a priority.

Earmark exception treaty newcomer disabuse of the hearts of our comradeship of this fine countrysrde of India. Put asrde exclusron accommodations Exotic the cumulative of our great nation of our great children’s. Let exemption housing non-native regions of India Let freedom convenience immigrant unceasingly uphill and downhill of Andhra India Unfamiliar in perpetuity pause of India let freedom adiustment. And this instant this happen, immediately we get to freedom aid, instantaneously we let it change from each intermission of Andhra and unceasingly Bellamy, “from ever asseverate and without exception town” we will be skilled to breadth up that day instantaneously enclosrng of paunchy kids and successors.

Inconsolable sprouts and daughters of the Andhra India. Muslims, Christians will be able to join hands and live in the world full of happiness. For this demonstrate. I suit there all the tribes of India from the base of the city. Southern India to the Higher up sides from the wests of Kanchenjunga Cumulate to the almost orient of Nanda Devi- I allurement upon all of you to depose abundant from their misused of their wealthy. We have slogging an aggregate and this should be the time for an original life of all of rich and base to J0ln hands. A extremist way proceed for India and Priyanka Khanna, am encircling to suspended protect you my henchman Comradeship compare the misused of Child labour in the hands of wealthy people. Are you for change for reform future of our children or not?

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The Issue of Child Labor in India. (2023, Apr 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-issue-of-child-labor-in-india/

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