Small Earthquakes

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Did you know that the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) records an average of 20,000 earthquakes a year. That doesn’t actually mean the earth shakes enough for us to feel it but it’s there. That would be roughly 50 earthquakes a day. I think it would be scary to be in a strong earthquake because what if your unprepared. Earthquakes can take lives and you could lose stuff in your house that is valuable. In a earthquake you can lose your balance.

If your really still you can feel a small earthquake. The reason you would lose your balance is because you are getting jolted. “A large earthquake nearby will feel like a sudden large jolt followed quickly by more strong shaking that may last a few seconds or up to a couple of minutes if it’s a rare great event. The shaking well feel violent and it will be difficult to stand up. The contents of your house will be a mess.” This is saying a earthquake can be so powerful you can’t stand and it will knock things off your walls so hopefully you don’t have anything important on your walls.

Earthquakes aren’t always violent and dangerous sometimes they can be so calm you can feel them unless you’re completely still. In the text it says “A small earthquake far away will probably not be felt at all, but if you do feel it, it will be a subtle gentle shake or two that is easier to feel if you’re still and sitting down.” So some earthquakes aren’t dangerous at all and you wouldn’t lose anything and these happen more commonly than the bigger ones. Some people feel it shake their house. “ Definitely felt the small tremor shake the house for a few seconds at 6:43 on my watch.”

So people are sometimes speculating on weather it is a earthquake or something else. Earthquakes are mostly seattle like when you sit still and are calm you can feel them. Maybe that would shock you for a second but that is just because you are calm and relaxed. “I have felt small quakes in Japan and L.A. in the past and it was definitely a shake. Definitely not machinery! Was quietly reading the paper online sitting on the sofa.” So they wanted to point out it wasn’t machinery and they knew what it felt like so someone won’t guess what it was.

They also mentioned it was quit and they were reading on a sofa which is usually relaxing so they were probably relaxed. Earthquakes can be a fearful thing you never know when it is going to happen and you dont know whats going to go on. It will come out of nowhere and you wont know whats going on and you might freak out. How would you feel if you were in bed sleeping and everything started shaking and your house started to rumble and shake you well more than likely be scared and jp;t awake I know I would. “It was a bone-jarring feeling. My God, I thought, this is an earthquake. I shook Nick awake – if I was going to die, I didn’t want to be alone. He had been fast asleep and woke up with a shock.”

So the fear of dying would be there. You may not know what to do like do I run out the door or do I stay and die. ‘Looking back now, I wonder why we didn’t run out of the house, as far away as possible. Yet our instinct was to stay put. So we clung to each other in bed, terrified and waiting for the worst to happen. The earth rumbling below us was such a disorienting feeling; all I could imagine was a crack opening up beneath me and then me falling in.’’ I would be terrified and this person had a right to be terrified. I get the point she is making of the earth cracking open and falling threw that would be terrifying.

“We watched as household objects slid and then crashed to the floor, wondering where it would end. And then it stopped, just like that. The whole experience had lasted less than a minute. All that noise and movement was replaced by eerie silence. Everything was still except for a gaudy gold chandelier that we had inherited and that now swung from side to side.” The interesting part about earthquakes is how that only well last for a couple minutes and yet cause so much damage. It’s crazy how the earth works. One minute you are living and are ok and the next the earth is shaking and things all around you are shaking and braking and maybe sometimes people die and you can lose loved ones.

In conclusion I believe earthquakes would be scary because you never know what could happen. You don’t know what to do or say. You may not feel small earthquakes but these could be scary to if your all relaxed and all the sudden the ground shakes barley. I would hate to get stuck in a severe earthquake and would be worried if someone I loved did to.


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Small Earthquakes. (2022, Feb 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/small-earthquakes/

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