Resilience Quotient

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Resilience quotient (RQ) is a dynamic evaluate process where in individuals that display bounce back or recover from stress and can adapt to stressful circumstances. Resilience quotient also includes other factors such as the capacity to make realistic plans, having self-confidence and a positive self-image, developing communication skills, and the capacity to manage strong feelings and impulses.

It demonstrate the strong value, suggest potential resilience vulnerabilities, the dimension scores and radar chart help to point the potential growth area. When developing a personal resilience improvement plan, respondents can benefit most from the instrument by examining the statements that comprise each of the RQ dimensions.

I had evaluate the RQ dimentioan scores indicated low levels of resilience in socially connected and proactive dimensions as compared to other dimensions. Closely related to interpersonal competence, this resilience dimension provide the insight to built personal and professional network of relationships.

I get to know that by increase the social network can increase resilience through relationship network within which they share ideas, problems, solutions, frustrations, hopes, and so forth. In the face of adversity and stress, resilient people call on this network for support, affirmation, and problem solving.

When a problem arises, I come up with a lot of possible solutions before trying to solve it. I was believe most problems are caused by circumstances beyond my control. However, this insight will helped me to increase balace through simply reacting to a change, actively engage it. This proactivity enables them to preserve their self-efficacy in the face of any change—even a traumatic one.

They tend to have an internal locus of control, where they believe that they have the capacity and the responsibility to determine their own destiny, versus feeling powerless in a given situation. Resilient people, as a result, focus on expanding their influence over a change through assertive behaviors and actions.

If I increase my resilience in a weak dimension, I can overcome most of what life puts in my way. I need to be emotionally or psychologically prepared to handle adversity, which means that I have to face problems bravely and confidently instead of giving up and feeling helpless. If I build my resilient I will able to drive desired results from uncertainties, and I can use this knowledge to climb higher and helps to find a sense of purpose in my life.

It allows me to meet the needs of my job and still have time and energy to be there for my family. It is what enables me to bounce back quickly after a crisis at work or home. I can increase my resilience by learning to understand my thinking styles and developing skills to circumvent it so that I can assess the true causes of adversity and its effect on my life. And it is resilience that will help me to achieve my goals.

In essence, these statements can suggest areas for personal growth and development as strategies for enhancing resilience in the respective RQ dimension.

These are important to judge individual’s variation in response and to know how much is one prone to the disorders that also affect the quality of life. Based on the overall RQ value and dimension scores helps to identify areas of target to strengthen the resilience capacities. There should be flexibility in life because one thing is certain that life involves adversity.


Cite this paper

Resilience Quotient. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/resilience-quotient/



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