Key Features of Vietnam

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Between India and China, a country in Southeast Asia which occupies the eastern margin of the Indochina Peninsula. It is approximately 1,600 km from the north end to the south end, the width of the east and west is an elongated socialist republic state narrowing to 50 km at the narrowest part. Vietnam is divided into three areas, northern, central and southern in the north, the capital city Hanoi, the center of politics and culture in the central part, Da Nang which is popular as a resort site in recent years in the south, there is Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s largest commercial city. Located in the northern part of Vietnam, the capital Hanoi is a city with a long history of more than 1000 years.

Currently, as the center of politics, important agencies of the state gather in the National Assembly and government agencies. In the tourism and commerce field, I was late for Ho Chi Minh, upon the large-scale merger with neighboring cities in 2008, urban development is proceeding with population increase, infrastructure development, etc. In recent years, the number of Japanese companies and foreign-affiliated companies has increased, and the number of foreigners living in Japan has increased. Along with that, urban development such as fancy cafes and large commercial facilities is proceeding.

As development continues, as a city of culture and tradition, We take care of old-fashioned things, there are regulations concerning the landscape, such as the regulation of high-rise buildings. Therefore, there are many lakes and greenery, old-fashioned landscapes such as the old town are still left, it has become an attractive city where you can enjoy the traditional Vietnamese landscape. Ho Chi Minh, located in southern Vietnam. As Vietnam’s largest commercial city and tourist city, it is leading the Vietnamese economy. The predecessor of Ho Chi Minh is the commercial city ‘Saigon’ developed as a colonial trading place during the French colonial era.

After the Vietnam War, it was renamed ‘Ho Chi Minh’. On the site, many people currently use the name of ‘Saigon’, and you can see that they have pride in their name. As the French rule continued for a long time, the cityscape is called ‘Oriental Paris’ or ‘Petit Paris’.

Today, as urban development and economic development progress, Foreign-affiliated hotels, high-rise office buildings, large commercial facilities, condominiums are being built. It is a vibrant city where classical buildings of the French colonial era and current modern building are fused.

Personality, Culture, Customs, and Food

When I hear with Vietnam, most people are reminded of representative food called ‘Four’. What else is there? Also, what kind of culture and custom are there?

First let’s explain from their typical character. The characteristic of the Vietnamese first listed is that they are serious and diligent, similar to Japanese people. There is a sense of responsibility that given work is passed through to the end, there is nothing to throw out on the way. Such diligence seems to have come from the desire to cherish your life and family. Also, as Vietnamese go to language schools and evening schools, not only for work, ambition is vigorous and spare no effort in studying.

As a result, Vietnam is known as an educational country, and the adult literacy rate of Vietnamese people boasts a high value of over 90%.

Next is the characteristic of the Vietnamese who is patient. Talking about the history of Vietnam, Vietnam overcomes numerous political changes and disasters, and is in its present form while rebuilding many times. From these historical backgrounds, the Vietnamese are patiently patient for a long time and cannot bear their heart. This aspect also leads to diligence.

Many people of Vietnam have a relaxed personality and enjoy talking anytime and anywhere. Men also enjoy talking with friends at ease relaxing on work days.


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Key Features of Vietnam. (2021, May 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/key-features-of-vietnam/

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