United States Essay Examples and Research Papers

231 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

The United States as the Most Powerful Country

Pages 9 (2 245 words)


United States

Open Document

The American Political Culture

Pages 3 (659 words)

American Culture


Moving to America

United States

Open Document

Will the United States Remain the Most Powerful Country in the World

Pages 4 (820 words)


United States

Open Document

Freedom Ride in America and Australia

Pages 2 (498 words)



United States

Open Document

Why Does the United States Depend on God’s Guidance as a Nation?

Pages 3 (511 words)



United States

Open Document

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Pages 5 (1 209 words)


United States

Open Document

Echoes of Leadership: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy

Pages 3 (661 words)


United States

Open Document

Unleashing Nature’s Fury: The Heart-Wrenching Tale of the Worst Tornado in US History

Pages 2 (485 words)


United States

Open Document

Police Brutality against Hispanic People in the United States

Pages 5 (1 022 words)


Police Brutality


United States

Open Document

Impact of Immigration on American Society

Pages 8 (1 800 words)



United States

Open Document
1 2 24

Check a list of useful topics on United States selected by experts

“Medicare for All” in The United States

10 Things to Do in Lindsay California, United States

1865-1914 Wealth and Poverty Gap in the United States Sample

4-H by the United States Department of Agriculture

A History of the United States

A Personal Quest to Become a Dentist in The United States

A Petition to the President of the United States

A Research On Native Americans: Origin, Culture, Way Of Life And Contribution To The United States

A Survey conducted on teachers in the United States

A View of The Mexican- American Battle and The Reasons Behind The Involvement of The United States

Abolishment of High-school in United States

Abortion and Its Side Effects in the United States

Abortion in the United States

Abortion: the Most Controversial Issue in the United States

About Mark Twain in the United States of America

About United States Research Paper United

Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

Accounting Standards in the United States of America

Age of Consent in the United States

Al Capone and Lucky Luciano: The Most Famous Mobsters in the United States

An Analysis of National Security in United States

An Analysis of the Conditions and Issues of the Schools in the United States

An Analysis of Union Membership Trends in the United States

An Analysis on Historical Accounts on Slavery in the United States

An Ethical Aspect of Abortion in The United States

An Overview of the Effects of Overly Expensive College Tuition in the United States

Analysis of cigarette industry in United States

Analysis of Job Loss in the United States

Analysis of Presidents of the United States of America

Andrew Jackson, The United States President of The Common Man

Andrew Jackson: The Seventh President of The United States

Andrew Johnson, The Seventeenth President of The United States

Animal Abuse: A Nationwide Problem in the United States

Animal Testing in The United States

Anti-Slavery in United States

Art of the United States

Australia vs United States of America

Backshoring To United States

Bailout tarp in the united states

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