Impact of Education Policies of British on Indian Education System

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We have education system borrowed from British ,our goals are oriented as they have made us to do so. They made certain policies which have deep imprint on our education system. We will discuss some of the policies which are given as under.

Educational policy of Macaulay Educational activities took rhythm in 1823, when Governor-General of India granted one lakh of rupees for education. That committee consisted of 10(ten) European members of which Lord Macaulay were the president. The committee decided to spend major portions from the grant for the improvement of oriental literature. As the power of Mughal emperor in Delhi weekend, there was a rapid change in attitude towards the importance of English education, mainly due to the English intervention in state affairs, free move moment of the missionaries and the political influence of the English language.

Therefore, for the Council of East India Company, the decision for granting the money faced a greater problem. However the Court of Director of the East India Company was in favor of English education. It was very difficult for the East India Company to decide the medium of instruction by vote; because out of ten members, five were supporters of English language or Anglicism as the medium of instruction and the rest were supporters of oriental or classic language or Classicists as a medium of instruction. This is the famous Anglicism and Classicists controversy.

The Indian of the orientlists’ literature was not willing to accept European knowledge and science unless it was presented to them through the classical languages. Actually, the oriental party wanted to preserve the oriental learning from existing educational institutions while the other group of anglicist party wanted to abolish the preservation of the oriental education. Macaulay promoted that their education policy would enable the emergence of a class of people in the Indian society, who would be well versed in English language, western ideology, taste and opinion. This class would serve as a medium of contact with the great mass of Indian people who were culturally different from the English. This class would also be the agents of change of the great Indian society.

Macaulay’s opined that the public mind of India may expand under the English system and through the English language; it may educate the people into a capacity for better government. In his minute, he immensely urged that ”We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern-a class of persons, Indian in blood and color, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellects.” Thus, from this minute, he anglicized the education in India as a whole so as to get benefits in their business policy. The Government of the East India Company wanted to educate some great Indians for profits in their business through the Downward Filtration Theory. The English, to expand their rule to the grass root level, started education from the primary level. The established their own education system parallel to the Muslim Madrassah system. They made their style of education compulsory for the government jobs. In the beginning education was provided to a small portion of the people, and through them, education was conveyed to the masses.

Education was imparted to some favorable persons as they liked to engage them in their business policy. In his minute, Macaulay criticized the oriental learning as “a single shelf of good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabic”. Macaulay believed that English should be introduced because it is a language of the ruling class and also the familiarity has been gained by higher classes of Indians .

Grant system: The Wood’s educational policy sanction of a grant system in the Indian educational system. To educate the large number of people of India was a difficult task and so the grant-in-aid system was adopted by the government.

Grants were given to those schools and colleges which satisfied the conditions given below:

  • The schools must provide secular education.
  • The school management should run the school well.
  • The school should agree to state inspection from time to time.
  • The schools should follow any rule prescribed by the government for the regulation of the grant.
  • The school must charge fees from the students. Grants were given to the schools for increasing the salaries of the teachers, construction of school buildings, granting scholarships to students, improving conditions of literacies, opening of science department etc.

General Council of Education in India

When Lord Ripon was appointed the viceroy of India, a deputation of the General Council of Education requested him to institute an enquiry into Indian Education. The commission was appointed with the following aims:

  • Primary education should be regarded as the instruction of the masses.
  • It should be closely related to the practical aspect of the life of the masses.
  • Primary education should be imparted through the medium of mother tongue.
  • The Government should extend more patronage to primary education than before.
  • School houses and furniture should be simple.
  • The managers should be free to choose the text books for their schools.
  • School hours and holidays should be adjusted according to local needs.
  • Instruction in primary schools should be simplified. Practical subjects like native methods of arithmetic, accounts and mensuration, elements of natural and physical sciences, agriculture, health should be introduced.

Normal schools should be established for the training of primary school teachers.

  • There should be at least one Normal School in each division.
  • The cost of Normal schools should be met from provincial fund.
  • The duration of degree course should be three years after intermediate stage.
  • Honors courses as distinct from pass course, should be opened in the universities.
  • Provisions should be made for imparting instructions in Arts, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Commerce and Medicine.
  • Women should be given training in medicine and teachers’ training.


In short, from the above analysis this shows the despite freedom from Hindus and the English we as a nation could never get rid of colonialism. The developed countries never let us alone to implement our own needs. Ruling classes never tried to through away the chains of slavery. They always fulfill their own interest even on the loss of half of the country. We suffer from the duel neo-colonialism; industrial imperialism of the west and cultural imperialism of Hindus and the west. Education system is of no exception. This system suffered the most. After 68 years of independence our education could not inculcate the sense of nationalism. It is still under the influence of colonialism.


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Impact of Education Policies of British on Indian Education System. (2020, Dec 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/impact-of-education-policies-of-british-on-indian-education-system/



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