I Believe That Art Is Important in the World

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This I believe, art is essential to amelioration. For those that don’t know what amelioration is, it is the act of improving something. Therefore I believe for the world to continue to grow technologically architecturally, philosophically, and in all other fashions, art must thrive. Everything was once created, art is creation on a any spectrum of the universe. Art is not only self expression, but expression of everything that exists. In whatever way you dress, how you act, how you perceive things, all are a form of art. While it is expression it is also appreciation and retention. appreciate art more than l express art.

My style and ideas stem from others art, while do not partake in the the the drawing, singing, or any of the other arts. I take pride in my writing, which consider my favorite art right behind music. Writing enables you to put all your ideas on a piece of paper or a computer and have access to reflect or develop more on the thought. All these expansions on art, the matter of if art is essential is a no-brainer. The advancements this world has made from art date back to cavemen and their hand stencils on walls.

Art got us out of the stone age and every age after that up to date. We as inhabitants of earth have progressed expeditionary due to art. Without the continuing of the evolution of art, we will only maintain or regress. Without the appreciation of different ideas, we lose the ability to discover elements beyond our imagination. New sounds to be discovered, untapped technology and resources, everything under the sun possible that has not yet been attained or accomplished, can through art and creativity. You don’t really think of the iPhone as art, but that’s exactly what it is. A idea advanced and brought to life in industrial beauty. Art enables us to facilitate our way of living, whether it be in produce growth, weather protection, transportation, and in the matter of health.

Everyday new ideas are being created and pursued, new art being created. the day comes when that stops, the world will then begin to turn for the worse. Maintaining is regressing when everyday we are faced with new adversities, without the fundamental of art, creation, we won’t be able to conquer those adversities. Art is a escape, people use art to escape the world and make their own that is what is amazing about it. You can get lost in music. To be able to put some headphones in and go to another place is powerful. Without music, we wouldn’t have a outlet on the field. While many love drawing that isn’t my cup of tea. And am not experienced in that field, but my growing appreciation of music over the past years is a true testament to how important music really is to society. All these forms of art all have a different significance in their own way, and all are essential to life in their own ways, that is what I believe.


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I Believe That Art Is Important in the World. (2022, Jul 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/i-believe-that-art-is-important-in-the-world/

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