How to Find and Use Various Sources Correctly

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Throughout the semester, I have gained many useful skill for writing papers. The class was, overall, enjoyable. Some of the assignment were essay and others difficult. I had a good professor that helped me with my writing and showed me I do not have to be a perfect writer to get my point across. I have learned different of APA formatting, and how to find and properly use different sources. I learned the writing process by brainstorming ideas for my topic, making drafts, getting in the group for the peer review, and revising my writing into the final draft. Also, while in my English 101 courses, I learned about the rhetorical strategies: ethos (appeal to ethics), logos (appeal to logic), and pathos (appeal to emotions). I learned how to include these rhetorical in my reading responses essay. Although I have learned assortment of things my skills when it comes for writing still need some improvement.

Skill for example, the APA format, and the primary research still needs some adjustment. Even though that I have things that need to improve on this semester, but I was able to improve some area of my writing skill such as the reading response and the academic article summer. Through the semester I was able to gain more skills from the reading response essay and the academic summer. The ways I was able to gain the reading and writing skills was through the four different papers I did on the semester especially with the reading response and the academic summer. Those two papers were big different from each other. When I first composed those papers I had to think of the audience. Which meant brainstorming the type of language and information to use the papers. For example, the reading response essay was about the article Sex, Lies, and Conversation. My audience for this paper was for man and women, and people who had the difference in communication style.

So, to relate the man and woman or boys and girls, I talked about the different communication style between men and women. Along with thinking about the audience, thinking about the purpose was also important. Among of this two papers I had the different purpose for each. The main purpose for the Sex, Lies, and Conversation article was to inform people about the difference between men and women communication which cause a lot of misunderstand in their relationships. Even though this assignment was in the first or second of the week of the semester, it was an easy essay to write. During this essay I was able to gain more about the reading the article and response to.

While doing the academic summer was very different, then the reading response essay because this was more analyzing a research article, which has the abstract, introduction, methodology etc. It was something I did before. However, through the process of writing summer, I was unsure of what actually was required for the summer. Once I figured out what was required, it was easy to flow each step. So, this academic article help to gain more skill and more new information. The purpose of this article was to inform people the concussion in college and high school football player. Reading the article and summarize was a great starter of doing academic article.

Well, since English is not my native language. As I have gone through many years of English classes, I have gained more and more skills and many more are sure to come as I continue my education. Growth is something that are part of life. Through the courses I believe I grow a lot when it comes to writing. The beginning my writing skill was still in process but now it is getting a lot better than before. Writing four different types of essay help me a lot to change my writing style. But, also the collaborating with other help me to get better as individuals. One example of the collaboration would be when I had one of my classmate to read my rough draft essay before the final one is due. So, by doing this it allowed me to get an additionally opinions outside of the peer responses in the class. Also, going to the Writing Center here helping a lot. By going to the Writing Center it allowed me to get the collaboration outside the classroom. Although I have made improvement but still I have some growing to do.

In the future, I hope to carry all the skills I have learned during my English class. I think that they will be a very helpful regardless of what kind papers I would be writing. Also, the responsibility I have gained during this experience is great and has taught me much more organized person. During this semester i facing the deadline and assignment. But I found these responsibilities have influenced me to understand that I could definitely take the next step forward in my academic career. Each of the new experience made me to grow more and constantly learn something new. So, I truly enjoyed English 101 class and know that what I have learned will be extremely beneficial.

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How to Find and Use Various Sources Correctly. (2022, Jul 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-to-find-and-use-various-sources-correctly/

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