Give a Man a Mask, and He will Tell You the Truth

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“Give a man a mask, and he will tell you the truth” Does it mean that a man is more honest while wearing a mask over his face? In theory, the question which is being asked could represent many things depending on an individuals point of view. From personal opinion is safe to say that “telling the truth while being mask” give you the empowerment to express yourself without feeling any shame or remorse and that could be a beneficiary fact for the individual who is telling the truth, lets per se that telling the truth in a courthouse about a crime in which an individual witnessed the whole action taking place, and you know by you telling the judge what happens would put the witness into a death or life situation, but at the same time it would give the individual a monetary compensation, then putting a mask over your face would make total sense. There are other factors such as the internet, church and even in written works in which individuals apply this really interesting quote in their normal lives.

The Internet, what a wonderful multi-tool server made to solve many of our everyday problems. By having the internet at the tips our finger we can do things that people back in the days couldn’t even begin to phantom what we can do with only one click. Too much power could land in the wrongs person hands, which in fact it is already happening. Thanks to the internet everyone can be whoever they want to be. From being a normal person to being a supernatural being, and from being a normal guy who uses the media to communicate with his family that far away to an individual who doesn’t have any sort of shame in talking about explicit topics which to others could be sensitive topics.

This kind of people are fully aware of the consequences of talking out loud in public about these sensitive topics, this could make many people believe that these individuals are probably those who don’t have what it takes to say it out loud, at some extent is true, and the internet is the place for that. On the internet, those with the same mindset join together in a group to express what they truly feel about any specific topic. Apart from being this a problem, the real problem is that the identity of those is unknown to the public which becomes a lot harder to spot who have that kind of mindset, it could be your best friend and you wouldn’t know anything about.

The church, in this world we see many churches made for different religions and beliefs. Many in which confessionals are not necessary, so let us focus on the churches have confessionals. People who have sinned and want their heart to be at ease without having others to know, go to the church and confess everything they have done in their life looking for the lord forgiveness. being afraid and ashamed of what they have done instantly give everyone the right to covering their faces while telling every bit of what they have done.

Written books, sometimes authors like to write their nicknames on their books instead of putting their original name on it. The purpose of doing this is to make sure that whatever they wrote and whatever is being said about the book itself goes to the made-up author and not to the mastermind behind everything.


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Give a Man a Mask, and He will Tell You the Truth. (2021, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/give-a-man-a-mask-and-he-will-tell-you-the-truth/

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