Communism Essay Examples and Research Papers Page 2

14 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Revolution in Animal Farm Argumentative Essay

Pages 5 (1 012 words)

Animal Farm


Russian Revolution

Open Document

Karl Marx and the Communist Revolution

Pages 6 (1 437 words)


Karl Marx

Political science

Open Document

George Orwell’s Book Animal Farm Review

Pages 2 (426 words)

Animal Farm


George Orwell

Russian Revolution

Open Document

A Satirical Fable: Animal Farm

Pages 3 (613 words)

Animal Farm



Open Document
1 2

Check a list of useful topics on Communism selected by experts

An Analysis of Communism

An Analysis of Communism Exploratorys Resear

Animal Farm: a Story Based on Communism

Animal Farm: Comparison to Communism

Aristotle’s Critique of Plato’s Theory of Limited Communism

Australia’s Response to Communism in the 1950’s

Australia’s Response to the Threat of Communism

Bicycle Theives: the Unspoken Allure of Communism

Capitalism and Communism Writings Comparison

Capitalism versus Communism

Chinese Communism DBQ

Chinese peasant and Communism in China

Cold War – the Conflict between Capitalism and Communism

Communism – History

Communism – Joseph Stalin’s Rule

Communism and Confucianism

Communism and the Great Depression

Communism and Totalitarism in George Orwel’s 1984

Communism During The Cold War History

Communism in an Economically Developing China

Communism in China and Its Effects Report

Communism in Chinese Education

Communism in the Soviet Union

Communism of Karl Marx and the Soviet Union

Communism Theory

Communism vs. Fascism

Comparison of Free Enterprise and Communism

Containment: Vietnam War and Communism

Dbq – Communism vs. Capitalism

Define Communism

Essay on Communism

Fahrenheit 451: The Battle of Communism

Fall Of Communism In Russia

Fascism And Communism

Fascism vs Communism

Father of Communism Karl Marx

Forward to the Past – Feudalism and Communism

From Communism to Democracy

Global Culture: Communism Ideologies Relative to Arjun Appadurai’s Argument

Has Communism Been Good for Cuba? Sample

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