Artificial Intelligence Essay Examples and Research Papers Page 2

17 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Human Cloning & Artificial Intelligence

Pages 14 (3 481 words)

Artificial Intelligence



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Artificial Intelligence for Tesla Motors Self-Driving Cars

Pages 3 (656 words)

Artificial Intelligence

Self Driving Cars

Tesla Motors

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Artificial Intelligence in Education

Pages 3 (656 words)

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Impact Study of Artificial Neural Networks in Weather Forecasting Climatic Condition

Pages 11 (2 586 words)

Artificial Intelligence

Science And Technology


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Artificial Intelligence: A Historical Perspective

Pages 27 (6 641 words)

Artificial Intelligence


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Future and Automation

Pages 4 (844 words)

Artificial Intelligence



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The Beneficial Ways of Technology

Pages 7 (1 522 words)

Advantages of Technology

Artificial Intelligence


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1 2

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The History and Evolution of Technology and Artificial Intelligence

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Future Technology


Artificial Intelligence seems to be everywhere these days โ€“ marketers use AI to predict your buying habits, your phone is constantly collecting data to adapt and make your user experience more satisfying, your streaming platforms analyze your views to give you better suggestions on which movie to watch next. However, this is not yet a true AI, not a self-conscious artificial being able to think and function on its own, but each day, we get closer to actually creating it. If you write an artificial intelligence essay, you may want to talk about the possible opportunities and threats this new technology brings. Will it be a benevolent protector of humanity, or will this creation be our ultimate undoing? You can write an artificial intelligence argumentative essay defending one of those possibilities. Alternatively, you can write ethics of artificial intelligence essay discussing how we, humans, should treat an AI. Will we consider it a sentient being or will we use it as a mere tool that has no rights of its own? This is an exciting topic to ponder upon.

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