Artificial Intelligence for Tesla Motors Self-Driving Cars

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Tesla uses Artificial intelligence but I have never researched about how, why and where? We know Tesla is going to come up with a Fully Self Driving Cars and It will fascinating to research about what are their goals, the implementation of AI in the Cars, How they are going to increase business with such idea and Challenges down the road.

Introduction to the Company

Tesla Motors is American electric automobile manufacturer. Founded by group of engineers in 2003, with innovation in mind and thinking of non-compromised electric vehicle. Tesla electric car have model in Sedan and SUV to name all Model S, Model X, Model 3 and Roadster.

Tesla not only building electric vehicles anymore, they are putting foot in scalable clean energy generation and storage products.

This paper will be centered about how Tesla is using artificial intelligence to make their cars smart and quick.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.

Artificial Intelligence for Business Intelligent

Elon musk has also co-founded an AI based company OpenAI, a research organization. Development and deployment is done in safe and manageable environment.

Research from this organization will be processing “thinking” algorithm for Autopilot software, currently which gives Tesla vehicles level 2 of autonomous driving capability. Musk has said that he believes his cars will be fully autonomous (level 5 autonomous) by 2019 with the use AI, which is a big business changer for Tesla.

All the vehicles Tesla have ever sold were built with the potential to one day become self-driving, although this fact was not made public until 2014 when a free upgrade was rolled out.

Which is a very big change. Imagine turning all the Tesla vehicles into self-driving cars ?

AI as a Competitive Advantage

Tesla uses AI to collect Data of users like map details on that basis traffic, roads is populated for tesla drivers.

Tesla focus on “Narrow AI”, due to that cars can make decisions without driver interferences. Vehicle will replying on radar as well as ultrasonic technology for sensing and data for autopilot algorithm will be gathered. Technology which combines radar and camera system to perform in even foggy weather conditions.

With the introduction of Autopilot 2.0 and Tesla’s “Vision” system, and billions of miles real-world driving data collected by Model S and Model X drivers, Tesla continues to create a detailed 3D map of the world that has increasingly finer resolution as more vehicles are purchased, delivered and placed onto roadways. The addition of GPS allows Tesla to put together a visual driving map for AI vehicles to follow, paving the path for newer and more advanced vehicles.

Challenges for Implementation and Maintenance

Major shock that came to Tesla is when they announced software update in Tesla with new AI’s that a driver using autopilot was killed when his Tesla failed to notice a truck stretching across the road in front of him. Implementation and maintenance is very important when launch technology like AI in your products. Major safety tests needs to be done.


  1. https://www.tesla.com/about
  2. Gilson, Stuart C. and Abbott, Sarah, Tesla Motors (B): Merging with SolarCity (April 3, 2018). ‘Tesla Motors (B): Merging with Solarcity.’ Harvard Business School case study (218-038), December 2017. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3156024
  3. https://www.sas.com/en_us/insights/analytics/what-is-artificial-intelligence.html
  4. Charlotte H. Published on July 6,2017. “Tesla Autopilot and artificial intelligence: The unfair advantage”. Retrieved from ‘https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-autopilot-ai-artificial-intelligence-unfair-advantage/’
  5. Marr B. Published on Jan 8, 2018. “The Amazing Ways Tesla is using Artificial Intelligence And Big Data”. Retrieved from ‘’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2018/01/08/the-amazing-ways-tesla-is-using-artificial-intelligence-and-big-data/#4425e0142704”

Cite this paper

Artificial Intelligence for Tesla Motors Self-Driving Cars. (2021, Aug 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/artificial-intelligence-for-tesla-motors-self-driving-cars/



Does Tesla cars use artificial intelligence?
Yes, Tesla cars use artificial intelligence in order to provide features such as autopilot and self-parking.
What AI is used in self-driving cars?
AI is used in self-driving cars to help the car make decisions about when to brake, when to turn, and when to change lanes.
What company makes AI chips for self-driving cars?
Nvidia Corporation is an American technology company that manufactures graphics processing units for the gaming and professional markets, as well as system on a chip units for the mobile computing and automotive market.
What technology does Tesla use for self-driving cars?
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