Art Essay Examples Page 43

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Essay Examples

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An essay on Art is a vast topic to cover, as it can be anything from paintings, sculptures, and even murals. In the past, Art has been defined mainly by what was best for those in power. The primary purpose of this art essay is to analyze why those in power defined Art in this way and how it shaped what is considered Art today.
The definition of beauty from art essay samples has changed over the years because of the elite class. There are two main ways this can be seen through history: high brow vs. low brow art and representational vs. abstract Art.
The high brow was usually reserved for the elite class, while the lower classes were low brow art. High brow was seen as more refined and sophisticated and included portraiture paintings of kings, queens, nobles, and clergy. Low brow art was seen as a lower form of Art and included paintings of animals by hunters or pictures of plants.

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