Disaster Preparedness: Hurricane Irene 

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Preparing for disasters is an important step to help in mitigating the negative effects of disasters. Without adequate preparation, Communities and nations may be unable to address some of these negative effects due to the associated damage that may require a large number of resources to manage the disaster (Daniel, 2011). Disaster preparedness involves the measures implemented to reduce the negative effects associated with disasters to the vulnerable populations. Public health workers are required to understand the various aspects that surround disaster management in the aim of helping the public to respond to the consequences associated with disasters (Daniel, 2011). One of the disasters that affected the New York City is Hurricane Irene which included a destructive storm originating from an Atlantic wave in August 2011.

Hurricane Irene caused a lot of damage in New York City that was indicated to be about $270 million dollars making it the most costly hurricane in the history of New York. This damage was attributed to huge flooding from the heavy rainfall as well as the storm surge (Daniel, 2011). This included destruction to homes and buildings in New York City negatively affecting residents’ shelter. Flooding also affected sewage treatment plants as many of them collected and processed storm runoff water. This excess water also flooded the subway system and road tunnels (Fanelli, C., Fanelli, P., & Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, 2011). This led to the death of about 10 individuals with most of the residents living without electricity. Some of the interventions implemented included the deployment of National Guard troops to assist police to evacuate residents in low-lying areas of New York City (Fanelli, C., Fanelli, P., & Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, 2011).

Before the hurricane hit New York City, the New York City mayor had announced that the city would create an enormous shelter system to help the residents who had no access to a higher ground (Daniel, 2011). The nation had also allocated disaster funds that were freed during this time. With the federal government establishing the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security to coordinate relief efforts, this ensured that the federal disaster funds were effectively utilized (Daniel, 2011). One of the lessons learned during this disaster is that continuous preparation is important to protect individuals from the negative effects of disasters. This disaster can be used to help the disaster management teams to address any deficits and neglected areas that led to the death of the ten individuals (Daniel, 2011).

Another lesson that can be learned include the importance of having alternative means of transport. The trains were replaced with the bus service which is one of the changes implemented to ensure that even after one mode of transport is affected, there are still other options that can be used (Fanelli, C., Fanelli, P., & Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, 2011). With the federal disaster relief taking time to reach the farmers, fundraisers were conducted to help them as their crops had also been affected. Changes implemented in regard to this include the introduction of farmers recovery fund to help farmers during such situations (Fanelli, C., Fanelli, P., & Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, 2011).


  1. Daniel, M. (2011, August 30). The History of Hurricane Irene. Earth Sky. Retrieved from https://earthsky.org/earth/the-history-of-hurricane-irene
  2. Fanelli, C., Fanelli, P., & Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (U.S.). (2011). Hurricane Irene. Silver Spring, Maryland: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services.

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Disaster Preparedness: Hurricane Irene . (2020, Oct 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/disaster-preparedness-hurricane-irene/

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