Cell Phones Should Be Banned In Schools

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Imagine being in class and your teacher writes you up for having your phone out. We could be at home, driving on a highway, walking into a mall with a group of friends. Phones have become a part of our everyday lives. However, it has always been controversial when it comes to the usage of phones in school. Many teachers and parents feel like this constant addiction could affect kids’ knowledge or even their grades! This is completely true and my main reasoning for believing that cellphones should not be allowed in the classroom.

Cell phones are a constant distraction and the usage of phones with internet services during class can cause cheating and other negative things! It would just be so much easier to limit your kid’s cell phone usage at home. That choice is way better than your child to fail miserably at a great education because they can’t focus. Based on the article it stated that “Many students in today’s modern age are what some people call cell phone addicts”. They feel the need to text their friends during class because they’re bored. For this reason, teachers find cell phones very distracting.

“ If a student is texting during class they can’t have their full undivided attention on the teacher”.

If a student isn’t listening to what a teacher has to say, then what is the point of trying to explain something to someone who isn’t paying attention. It is extremely disrespectful, especially towards the educator! Many teachers spend their time coming to school to teach students and they find it highly disrespectful if a student isn’t listening, and that’s just a waste of the teacher’s time. Many teachers do not oppose texting in class because they are mean, but its really just to benefit their kids.

Teachers are just trying to prepare their students for a good and successful life, so that way they will make it through life. After school or after they graduate no one will end up telling them to get off of their phone every day, it would just be their loss if they’re unsuccessful in life. If kids stay off their phones, they will end up passing with an appropriate GPA in order to succeed later on. When students have a very serious texting problem in class they end up distracting other students as well. That one phone call with the loud ringtone isn’t as funny as it seems especially when a call is being made in the middle of class. Though it may only take two minutes away from learning and teaching, consistency of this can be really agitating or disturbing. This causes all the students to put their learning on pause while this one student attempts to silent their phone! This totally interferes with students learning time it’s unfair, and it should be dealt with.

The issue doesn’t only happen when a mobile phone loudly rings, but when a person is silently texting as well! They draw the major attention of the students around them, who are curious to know who they are texting. Regardless of how the attention is brought, these cellphones are takin away from the education of too many students. It is especially wrong when it isn’t even the student engaging in the usage of the cellphone who is having his and her future jeopardized. Which affects their future.

Teachers prepare students for high school and college, but they also prepare students for things outside of educational borders. When these children grow older they must work every day in order to provide for their families. Cell phones should be used in an appropriate matter especially during work hours. No one would want to accept an employee who can’t seem to look up from their phone because they are secretly trying to send someone a secret message. It is totally impossible to work, talk, and text at the same time.

The business world is a professional and respective matter, so being on your phone in that type of environment isn’t such a good idea. Children who have a really bad phone addiction could have a really hard time in the future. There is also time to get rid of getting rid of a bad habit. Based on the article “Students may argue that it is their right to use their cell phones in class. Thye won the cell phone so they can do as they please. Some kids say that “They believe they can text and pay attention at the same time,” even though they know that it is highly impossible.


There is a time to learn and work and there is a time where you can do hobbies that are fun and enjoyable. People enjoy texting, but it can get in the way of things that are most important or things that need to get done. Not only does it keep that student from focusing, but it can also take other student’s attention as well. It can continue to be a bad habit that keeps a student out of their work! This issue needs to be resolved, and the only possible way of that is by putting a ban on cellphones in school.

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Cell Phones Should Be Banned In Schools. (2020, Oct 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/cell-phones-should-be-banned-in-schools/

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