Book Review: Five Dysfunctions of a Team

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This book review expresses how Lencioni’s book “Five Dysfunctions of a Team” is a good reference for all people to reflect on (Lencioni 2002). The book explores what dysfunctions a team may possess and the numerous drawbacks every team faces (2002). This paper expresses how the book provides insight on how a team should always be working towards results in a cohesive manner. Lencioni expresses five dysfunctions that impair leaders, and teamwork (Lencioni 2002). These dysfunctions seem simple to follow; however, it is hard to display healthy conflict within a team due to worry of status or reputation. It is also hard for a leader to set aside their ego for team members to all share without worry (Lencioni 2002). This book review expresses how this book changed my perspective on what makes a group successful (2002).

Keywords: Five Dysfunctions of a Team, paper, results, leaders, teamwork, successful (Lencioni 2002).

This book addresses major downfalls within groups that many people turn a blind eye to. Whether it be a workplace, organization, or groups outside of work this book is essential for working successfully as a team. The book expresses how an effective team is primarily focused on achievements with a clear initiative everyone holds each other to (Lencioni 2002). Lencioni states a very clear point that an organization can have more money, more equipment, and more people who specialize within, and still be behind because of a lack of teamwork (Lencioni 2002).

Within the text it claims that cohesive teams should trust each other, engage, commit to goals, hold one another accountable, and focus on achievement from results (2002). Trust is needed within the framework of an effective business (Lencioni 2002). Lencioni expresses that absence of trust takes away from an effective team (Lencioni 2002). Trust is extremely hard to achieve in a workplace due to the common desire to be competitive with peers and wanting to keep status quo/reputation (Lencioni 2002). Lencioni claims that to have trust within a team they must overcome fear and focus on the tasks rather than agreeing with one another (2002).

It is not untypical for people within a team to not know their team members, states Lencioni (2002). This is where Lencioni says most teams fail. Team building consists of getting know each other that way communication is not affected by shyness (Lencioni 2002). The leader within the team should show vulnerability first hand as well. An effective leader must make an environment that does not punish vulnerability (Lencioni 2002). That way people within the group come fourth with their ideas and do not hold back the groups progression (Lencioni 2002).

When people do not trust one another, they cannot engage openly claims Lencioni (2002). Fear of conflict is the second dysfunction Lencioni claims in his book (2002). When individuals fear their reputation and cannot overcome this the team will not engage in open, and constructive conflict (Lencioni 2002). Instead there is a strange sense of superficial and unrealistic harmony (2002). Constructive conflict consists of a team’s willingness to argue effectively about an issue but not take offense to it (Lencioni 2002). Lencioni states that teams that fear conflict, ignore topics that help build a team and waste their time going around what matters (2002). Team members must coach and allow healthy debate to bounce off ideas and lead to goals (Lencioni 2002). This must be done naturally, and conflict is not needed all the time for results within a group (Lencioni 2002).

Dysfunction three is a lack of commitment within the team or within a group or organization (Lencioni 2002). The lack of commitment individuals is willing to take prevents the team from asserting themselves and making promises and decisions they will stick to. This commitment builds through having the first two dysfunctions functioning (Lencioni 2002). There must be a sense of trust within a group to produce conflict and ideas and fuel a dedicated team (Lencioni 2002). When there is commitment there is clarity within the team, and removal of assumptions from communication, just honest and critical support (Lencioni 2002). Lencioni expresses how consensus may seem to have everyone functioning on the same page but it works against productive conflict. Without productive conflict there is just a mundane agreeance on topics and no flourishment (Lencioni 2002).

A team that commits gives the group purpose and makes members strive. An effective team can learn from mistakes and move forward and change position if needed to (Lencioni 2002). Leaders must communicate what results they have and allow for healthy conflict to take place through stating concerns. Leaders being on the same page as employees helps create the sense of commitment within the group (Lencioni 2002). Within the text Lencioni implies that the leader must set deadlines to get ultimate results and effective decision making (2002). The leader must not be afraid of making decisions that may be wrong or invaluable to the team. Big successes usually come from risks and rolling the dice (Lencioni 2002).

Within the text dysfunction four is avoidance of accountability (Lencioni 2002). When members are worried about others performance at work that may harm the team, it must be addressed. This goes back to the first three dysfunctions, without them this fourth one can be exceptionally hard to use within a group (Lencioni 2002). Holding people accountable within a team can be hard to do. However, if individuals have a high standard for the team, they will not have issues with holding each other accountable (Lencioni 2002).

Lencioni expresses accountabilities significance within teams (2002). Without accountability teams can miss deadlines that are important for the group to achieve. It also places a lot of weight onto the team leader that is orchestrating discipline and rules within the group (Lencioni 2002), When the weight of this action falls onto the leader usually it opens the door for groupthink to take place. A team that holds others accountable encourages others to strive towards improvements, establishes respect within the group equally, and identifies problems before they arise entirely (Lencioni 2002).

Dysfunction five as claimed by Lencioni is an inattention to results (2002). Without number four people within a group try to focus inwardly towards goals. It is imperative to express the results of progress within a group. Individuals must know what they are striving towards to grow (Lencioni 2002). This at some point will lose the achievements of other individuals within the group. It also encourages team members to focus on their own goals and ambitions (Lencioni 2002).

This book provides insight for anyone who is participating in a team or has. During the process of reading this book my reflection was on past teams and what went wrong. All of them stopped at not exploiting vulnerability and worry of conflict. Lencioni really addresses that an effective team is primarily focused on achievements with a clear initiative everyone holds each other to (Lencioni 2002).

Lencioni states a very clear point that an organization can have more money, more equipment, and more people who specialize within, and still be behind because of a lack of teamwork (Lencioni 2002). Regardless of age or occupancy this book is necessary for anyone within a team or organization. These topics are often dismissed through most teams and groups. Team work when done properly can bring long-term success, and Lencioni does a great job of breaking down what can dysfunction a team from flowing properly (Lencioni 2002).

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Book Review: Five Dysfunctions of a Team. (2021, Feb 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/book-review-five-dysfunctions-of-a-team/



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