Book Report Essay Examples and Research Papers

18 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

The Maze Runner by James Dashner Book Report

Pages 8 (1 946 words)

Book Report



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Book Report: The Kite Runner

Pages 3 (554 words)

Book Report


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‘Marcus Garvey’ by Rupert Lewis Book Report

Pages 8 (1 972 words)


Book Report

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Blink by Malcolm Gladwell Book Report

Pages 16 (3 872 words)

Book Report


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Book Report: Fast Food Nation

Pages 3 (738 words)

Book Report

Fast Food


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Book Report: When Breath Becomes Air Analytical Essay

Pages 7 (1 577 words)


Book Report

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Book Report: Corporate Awesome Sauce: Success Rules for Generation Y

Pages 6 (1 472 words)

Book Report


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Hani Omran Book Report

Pages 2 (337 words)

Book Report


Open Document

Book Report: Is About the Book Enders Game Reflective Essay

Pages 6 (1 302 words)

Book Report


Open Document

Book Report: AI Superpowers

Pages 2 (457 words)

Book Report

Book Review

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‘Breath Eyes Memory’ by Edwidge Danticat | Book Report

“Speak” Book Report by Laurie Halse Anderson

“The BFG” (Big Friendly Giant) Book Report

“Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President” by Robert Dallek – A Book Report

“The New Deal” Book report Essay (Book Review)

“The One Minute Manager” by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson A Book Report

“Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe: Book Report Report

“Wisdom in China and the West” by Vincent Shen: Book Report Essay (Critical Writing)

A Book Report on a Civil Action by Jonathan Harr

A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s

A Book Report on Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart

A Clockwork Orange Book Report

Among the Hidden Book Report

Animal Farm – Book Report

Anonymous Hacker Book Report

Artemis Fowl Book Report

Audie Murphy: to Hell and Back Book Report

Black Beauty Book Report

Black Like Me – Book Report

Book Report – Fast Forward – Celeste O. Norfleet

Book Report – Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior

Book Report “Life at the Bottom”

Book Report (the Titans Curse by Rick Rordan)

Book report a voyager out

Book Report for Hatchet

Book Report for Maniac Magee

Book Report in “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” Sample

Book Report of “Doctor Dolittle” by Hugh Lofting

Book Report of “The Cobra Event”

Book Report Of Cover Up

Book report of Man from the South

Book Report of Sugar Glider

Book Report on “Babouk”

Book report on “Inside out”

Book Report on “The Interview” by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

Book Report on `A Young Woman’s Mathematical Journey In Code

Book Report on Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko

Book Report on Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

Book Report on Business Maharajas-Gita Parimal

Book Report on Catching Fire

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