Essays about Books

260 essay samples on this topic

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The Santa Ana by Joan Didion Rhetorical Analysis

Pages 4 (902 words)


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Emily Dickinson Behind me, Dips Eternity analysis

Pages 4 (774 words)


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Comic Books

Pages 10 (2 483 words)


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Are E-Books Better than Paper Books?

Pages 4 (840 words)



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The Symbolism of A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings

Pages 2 (279 words)


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Dr. Seuss’s Children’s Books

Pages 5 (1 238 words)



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Print Books: Will They Survive?

Pages 6 (1 266 words)


Reading Books


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How Printing Press Affected the Availability of Books

Pages 4 (802 words)



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History of Books

Pages 5 (1 233 words)



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Top 10: Animal Books

Pages 5 (1 185 words)


Life of Pi


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1 2 26

Check a list of useful topics on Books selected by experts

Analytical Essay Topics:

Book Report: Is About the Book Enders Game

Reading Important Books

Book Review: The Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel

Banned Book That was Then, This is Now

“Christmas from the Back Side” by J. Ellsworth Kalas

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

“Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” Description

The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Character Analysis

Anti-Intellectualism world In Fahrenheit 451

Franz Kafka: The Metamorphosis

Blind Empathy in The Hill’s Like Elephants by Ernest of “The Giver” by Lois Lowry

Of Mice and Men: Differences between Book and The Movie

Mental illness in the book “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales”

Banning Lord Of The Flies?

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time

“Between the World and Me”

The Story of Holocaust in Novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel

To Kill a Mockingbird Book Review

Into the Wild Book Review

Argumentative Essay Topics:

Runaway Slaves by John Franklin

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick

Book Review: Beowulf

Night by Elie Wiesel Review

Book Review: “When Helping Hurts”

Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver

Reading Books Is One of My Hobbies

Book Report: Fast Food Nation

The Other Wes Moore Book Review

Benefits of Reading Books

In Cold Blood by Author Truman Capote Book Summary

Serena Joy and The Commander Characters in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

Comparison of Television and Books Benefits

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Literature Book Review

The Black Women as Victims in Toni Morrison’s ‘Beloved’

Satire in The Book Chauvinist’s Guide to Modern Romance by Morris Rollins

Analysis The Maypole of Merry Mount by Nathaniel Hawthorne

‘Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown Analysis

Satire in The Novel Chauvinist’s Guide to Modern Romance by Morris Rollins

Essay Topics About Books

Books Argumentative Essay Topics

Jim’s Temptation in Something Wicked This Way Comes

The Lottery vs. The Rocking Horse Winner

The Setting of Fahrenheit 451

Good Course Work On Odyssey

The Choice Of Printed Books Over Digital Technology

Analysis of T.s. Eliot’s Poem The Waste Land

Specific of Characters from “The Lottery”

Importance of the Individual in The Giver

Development Annotated Bibliographies Example

Printed Vs. Electronic: The Struggle To Choose Between Medias

Analysis of The Main Points of Ritzer’s Mcdonaldization of Society

“Battle Royale” by Ralph Ellison

Edgar Allan Poe: What is More Intriguing – the Man Or His Poetry

Free Different Families Essay Sample

The Vitality To Preserve Paper Books Instead Of Ebooks

Critical Reflection on Jared M. Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel

Books Descriptive Essay Topics

Concept of Racism in The Invisible Man

Survival in Life of Pi

The Ad Agency Dispute Case Studies Example

Reading Books Or Ebooks: The Convenience Or Aesthetics

Guns, Germs and Steel: a Contribution to Understanding The Historical Development of Global Inequality

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Virgin Suicides as a Story of Sisters

Good Term Paper About Sea of Galilee

The Benefits Of Reading Printed Books Versus Ebooks

How America is Divided by Class: Successful and Struggling

The Hunger Games and The World

A Thanatology Perspective on the Virgin Suicides

Good Cover Letter About My Final Portfolio

Book Review: Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond

Coco – a Story to Remember

Social Paradox as the Leading Cause in the Virgin Suicides

Books Persuasive Essay Topics

Example Of Book Review On Nadja

A Response to George Ritzer’s Theory of Mcdonaldization

The Cinderella Story: A Tale That Was Influenced For Centuries

Symbolism in the Virgin Suicides

Example Of Book Review On The Skillful Teacher

Mcdonaldization and Its Effect on Society

Blood Diamonds by Greg Campbell

Comparison of the Unbearable Lightness of Being and The Stranger

Artistic Interpretations of the World of Pern Presentations Example

A Review of Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers

Diamonds are a Girls Bestfriend

The Psychology of a Masculinity in Crisis in Agatha Christie’s the Murder of Roger Ackroyd

The Jungle Book Reviews Example

Rhetorical Analysis of Black Men and Public Space by Brent Staples

“Native Son” by Richard Wright Analysis

Book Exchange App Course Work Example

Books Informative Essay Topics

History of The United States’ National Anthem

Native Son: The Effects of Racism in Past and Present Day

Good Annotated Bibliography On Canterbury Tales, Wife Of Bath

Critical Analysis of The Book Guns, Germs, and Steel

Animal Farm Analysis

Good Presentation About Importance of Higher Education

New Negroes, Harlem Renaissance and Society

Napoleon’s Cruelty in “Animal Farm”

Good Annotated Bibliography About Who Votes And Why

Interpretation of The New Negro in Modernist Art

Symbolism in “The Great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald

Free Presentation On Thick Face Black Heart

Guns, Germs, and Steel by J. Diamond and Its Critique

Main Characters in The Great Gatsby

Servant Leadership Course Work

Analysis of Jared Diamond’s Theory in in Guns, Germs, and Steel

Books Comparison and Contrast Essay Topics

  Insights of Dreams in Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass

Free The Trial Of Martin Luther 1521 Presentation Sample

A Reflection on George Ritzer’s Mcdonaldization of Society

The Truth about Africa in Things Fall Apart, a Novel by Chinua Achebe

Good Presentation On The Faerie Queene

Money and Class: The Rise of Inequlaity in America

Go Ask Alice Website

Good Article About The Society of the Spectacle

The speckled band

Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich and Why Most Dont Presentation Sample

Serial killer in the United States


Books are a certain wellspring of information. An individual who peruses books improves, builds up his viewpoint, rationale, thinking, improves his memory.

These days, hardly any individuals read paper books, individuals lean toward PCs, workstations, and digital books.

By understanding books, an individual expands his jargon, improves composing and talking. Books help to turn out to be more proficient and fascinating for individuals around.

Books are critical in individuals’ lives. It is consistently charming to speak with very much read individuals, they are certain about themselves, they know the responses to numerous inquiries. Their mindfulness assists them with discovering points effectively and having a casual discussion.

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