Albert Einstein Changed the World

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Out of all the scientists in the world, there are some that have done work that influenced our today life, and some not so much. Some of the scientists that actually done some good work include Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller, Wernher von Braun, Jonas Salk, James Watson, and Francis Crick. Their discoveries and inventions changed many things.

Albert Einstein was a man who had IQ of about 160. He won the nobel prize 1921. He contributed to the world in more ways than we know. For instance, he got involved in World War ll. When the war had started, he sent a letter to President Roosevelt suggesting that they built an atomic bomb because there was word that other scientists were gonna build one. Two years later, when the U.S. got involved and making it officially a world war, Roosevelt remembered Einstein’s letter. If Einstein had never sent that letter no theorized the equation E=mc2, the atomic bomb might never have been built in the U.S.

In 1919, there was two expeditions sent to examine the solar eclipse to test a theory of Einstein’s, that if light is bent by acceleration, it must also be bent by gravity. This then lead to other theories of Einstein’s being more closely observed. When Einstein died, he left an article that hadn’t been finished behind. Other scientist have sense then built off of theories by Einstein about things such as a “strong force” . Due to this more in depth research, they have come to discover many amazing things.

Albert Einstein has changed the lives of many. For instance, his work, though he said he did not believe in God, reflected Christianity. He said that he made many references to God in his work to make it more easily understandable, and it was, for many. He was also a feminist target. Many thought that he was accompanied in his work by his ex-wife when they together. He quickly shut down those ideas, however, and gave her a bunch of money.

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Albert Einstein Changed the World. (2021, Feb 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/albert-einstein-changed-the-world/



What are five ways Albert Einstein changed society?
Albert Einstein changed society by developing the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space and time, and by advocating for nuclear disarmament, promoting peace and social justice, and inspiring future generations of scientists and thinkers. His work also led to the development of new technologies, such as nuclear power and GPS, which have transformed modern society.
When did Albert Einstein change the world?
Albert Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity, which he published in 1915. This theory changed the way we think about space and time.
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