A Self Evaluation on My Improvement in Reading and Writing by Attending WRD-98

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For my self-evaluation. I am going to explain how my reading and writing has improved since my first time attending WRD-98. Before joining WRD-98 I was in WRD-90, I knew how to write a paper, but did not know to use correct punctuation and was horrible at spelling. My first few papers had a lot of punctuation error, miss spelled words and run-on sentences. Even though I work to the best of my ability’s had problems getting my point across clearly. And when it came to reading speeches and articles I had no idea what a thesis statement was and how to identify the main point. I have many weaknesses when it involves to reading and writing; one of them is dyslexia, sometimes it is difficult because I get my words all jumbled up and end up not making any sense. I found it extremely irritating when I had to write or reading long papers because I end up getting thing all mixed around in my head and forgetting what I had just typed or read.

While in WRD-98, I have been improving quite a bit through writing journal entries at the beginning of class, essays, reading article’s and speeches, and various peer review discussions and conferences during class. This course is has helped me a lot with many aspects of reading and writing. I also have learned that correcting my old essays helps brings my paper one step closer to being well-organized and less all over the place. Over the course I have learned how to use a semicolon, research, write a work cited page, fix my run on sentences, speak up in class, use correct punctuation, and write a thesis statement. When it came to research and work cited pages I learned to use a research database called Ebsco and Purdue Owl which will help me a lot in the future. I also learned a few tricks for google like how to use quotient marks when trying to find an exact phrase.

My strong points as a student in this class are that I can write out my emotional sate well and connect with certain texts. I fell that I do well when writing these types of assignments because expressing my emotions on paper is one of my better strengths when writing. The other is my research I feel that I can really get into researching interesting topics for example, for my research paper, I wrote a 14 page paper on leukemia when it was only supposed to be 3-4 pages long. My weakest point is still participating class discussions; I kind of just sit in the back without saying much, even though I have read through the papers or remembered what it was that we had talked about in the class before; I want to express my opinion on the matter, but I can’t seem to get the words to always come out but I am slowly getting better.

So far my favorite assignment is our final portfolio because I got to re-write one of our journal entries and go into a little more detail on it, because in class we had a time limit so I wrote everything out, but it was just one big sentence that made no sense at all. So it was fun to go through and expand on the topic of my choice.

My plan for improvement is that I will continuously practice my reading and writing skills by participating in classes and outside of classes to hopefully gain an even better understanding of the subject matter, while learning and improving my research, and speaking my opinion in and out of class discussions.

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A Self Evaluation on My Improvement in Reading and Writing by Attending WRD-98. (2022, Dec 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-self-evaluation-on-my-improvement-in-reading-and-writing-by-attending-wrd-98/

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