Work and Identity

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Work mainly refers to one’s means of survival. The daily source of income may not define the individual’s personality. Every job weakens or strengthens the human traits through the psychological profiles. Different mental patterns in work may include; trusting and suspicious profile. In the profile, an individual’s character gets sharpened either to believe a situation or to view every case suspiciously, (Crenshaw, et al, 2018).

Another pattern involves independence and the attention seeking where one may remain their independent or work to get attention from other people. The third profile relates to a pessimistic or an optimistic view. An optimistic individual would believe positive things are happening while on the other hand a hopeless person only see’s negative results of a situation. Different profiles may involve, good or bad nature, status and dignity, concrete and speculative among others.

On the other hand, identity may come from comparing oneself with others. The similarity and differences that one shows concerning other things and even religion can as well define a person. The character of an individual keeps on changing from time to time depending on the direction an individual may decide to take, (Crenshaw, et al, 2018).

At one time an individual may be identified as a wife or a husband, a daughter or a son, a sibling, auntie or uncle while at other time the same person may be determined with other things such as the religious background. At one time one may actively support politics hence identified as a politician while after some time the same person may have no interest on policies and thus the association with politicians may not make any sense to the person. From that point of view, an individual’s identity does not rely on a specific job or situation. In most cases, an individual gets identification from the areas of own success.

An excellent job makes one proud but does not create the entire source of the success of a human. Ability to overcome fears and care for others forms part of a person’s success. Success sometimes may require doing away with the old identities at work and acquiring new characters. In most cases, people fear to undertake specific tasks and to take particular risks.

In a situation where one overcomes the fears, then the individual feels fully accomplished. As well not all people are endowed with the ability to care for the people in the society. Caring for others makes a more significant part of an achievement. Other people would define success with the ability to do the best in the areas of one interest.

A job only provides finance for one’s upkeep but does not necessarily relate to a person’s area of interest. Greater accomplishment comes with doing the things that make us happy. The meaning of success differs from one person to the other and hence work as an indication of success cannot entirely define a person. Identity may also come from one’s truth and values. The people we love and those we care for do not bother about what we do for a living. Which makes a crucial part of such people is the fact that we are happy with what we do. Identity should come from our dreams. For example, one person may dream of becoming an actor but later fails to be one, (Moraga, & Anzaldúa, 2015).

As long as the person still loves and strives to achieve the dream, then that constitutes the identity irrespective of the kind of a job the person does at any given time. What one values also makes part of an individual. The fact that one does not go to church does not make that person a pagan. As long as that particular person values Christianity, then the person cannot be identified as a pagan. We should assess our joy before the boss or the job we do as the happiness distinguishes us. Jobs may change at any time. Most of what people do for a living does not last long. Positions are not static but dynamic.

One grows in new areas of the career and goes up the ladder. If one begins as junior staff, the same individual may end up as a manager in the same or other prominent company. One may also evolve in other different areas of life. A change in one’s job does not necessarily mean that the person’s personality changes. Therefore, work does not make the primary source to identify a person. A person goes through many experiences that changes the individual’s perception of things. An individual who works for a given company may in future start their own business. In such case, the person changes to a manager from an employee.

Throughout life, people go through many experiences, challenges, and surprises that affect one’s life even more than the career would impact on a person’s life. A job defines the duty a person does and not the person’s character. For example, if one works as a bar attendant does not mean that the person is a drunkard. Bar attending provides the means of survival for the person but does not constitute the personality of that specific individual. The people out there have their own actual lives like any other individual.

The only difference comes from the work done by different individuals. Some jobs come out of being desperate and lacking something else to do but not as a result of what one wanted to do, (Marcia, 2017). Therefore, identifying a person with such duties becomes annoying and demoralizing. One may not love the work but has no other option other than doing the job as a means of survival. Such an individual would instead get identification from other things such as pets that one loves, the family members or the hobbies and interests or other matters admired and that adds value to one’s life.

At other times people may work as part-time workers waiting for the end of the holiday to go back to what makes them happy. The job and the career may constitute two very different entities. In most situation, people do not get remembrance from the job the people did, but from the influence, the people made to others. How a particular individual treats other people can cause the person to remain in the memories of others. As the truth of the matter, people get replacements in the workplace in times of retirement or death.

As soon as the vacant position gets a replacement, no matter how devoted the person worked or the much sacrifices made the person will cease to exist both physically and mentally from the workplace. The thing in memory remains on how the particular worker treated the family, the society as well as their colleagues. If the person acted kindly to the people, the minds stay as long as the other people live. It, therefore, becomes necessary for us to concentrate much on the well-being of the people surrounding us other than the work we do. A person comes to the world for many reasons and not only to develop a career that will help an individual earn a living.

Other missions such as inspiring the young generation, protecting the environment as well as changing the lives of others to think positively come along with people on the world. Therefore, one should not concentrate on one thing leaving out other opportunities, (Marcia, 2017). Other than death or retirement one may lose a job if the company is required to layoff some workers due to various reasons such as changes in the organizational structure, the culture of the organization or where the company faces financial strain.

As much as a person loses the job, a person’s goals, values, interests, ambitions, and passions will never change. An individual remains the same person irrespective of having a job or not working. In most cases, the jobs take about 8 hours in the 24 hours day. Therefore, the role only makes one-third of our time on daily basis. The remaining two-thirds of the time, people do what interests them. The individuals get involved in hobbies, interests, visiting friends or spending time with the family. One would, therefore, best get identified from what consumes most of the time other than the job done.

Again, most of the people find themselves in the wrong career due to some constraints. A person working as a teacher may have had a dream to become a lawyer or a doctor, but due to institutional constraints, the person landed in the teaching profession. Such people are there because that is where they found themselves, but not because the people wanted to teach. As such, people would better get identification from other areas and not the work the people did. To some people, personality and identity adaptability and flexibility becomes a difficult thing to the person, while to some the changes do not bring any issue as the people quickly change and adapts to any stage of life.

Switching from one job to the other means work to improve and not identity change, (Jenkins, 2014). Working identities changes in that the way an expert performs a task and the way a newly employed employee performs the same function differs. An expert would take less time to accomplish the task while on the other hand, the new employee may spend a lot of time before completing the work. As long as the drive motivating one to work remains unchanged, then no change occurs in one’s identity.

Changing a job has its own merits and adverse effects. Where the new position confers with a person’s values, beliefs, attitudes and interest, the person will spend less mental and physical energy and realize greater success. At the same time, stress during work dramatically reduces. Where the new job requires entirely new values, the worker would experience a lot of challenges in accomplishing tasks. Again people usually have some things that the person actively believes that cannot take place in one’s life. Such list sometimes calls for self-examining to reconsider the benefits of doing the things and not doing them.

Where one changes the values, then the identity of such individual automatically changes. The change of values which results in a variation of the character should only take place after self-experiment, conscious self-discipline as well as practice. The personal attributes, the values as well as the beliefs that one depends on determines the career line of an individual but not what the person becomes in future. The person may have interest in drawing but becomes something else in the future, (Goffman, 2018).

Such people would spend most of the time on drawing than the job. The work is merely a paycheck to help in the means of survival. One’s beliefs guides in the choices made in the future. The decisions made and the actions undertaken defines a person. People may strive to remain with a fixed identity, but the fact that the choices are bound to change therefore the status cannot get tied to one specific thing such as a job (Kenny, 1992). Our identity may come from the cultural backgrounds.

What cultures people beliefs in and bound to maintain may be used to define them other than the work done. People from the same experience may have similar identities. Again religion as a factor would identify different people. The fact that the people practice the same religious beliefs may form the basis of the identification. Though culture, religion, and beliefs may identify a person, the person may getter better identification using the combination of the different factors, (Hall, 2014).

At times people seem reasonable since the individual practices and follows religion to the letter, but it could be an obligation. After the church, the same person engages in other activities, not in line with the practiced belief. On a situation with Christ, when asked on what one did with the life given, one does not talk about the different types of jobs done. In essence, the main idea should outline how a particular individual touched the lives of others. Giving arms to people defines better the people. No matter how much money one requires to get, spending time with people makes a more significant impact on a person.

In my view, jobs should not constitute the primary source of identifying a person. According to Maya, making a life differs a lot from making a living. A well-paying job helps in making a living but not in creating pleasant experience. With a well-paying job, one acquires all the necessities that require finances but not a happiness. One involves joy to make a life.

A well-paying job with a lot of stress and pressure hinders one from pleasure, and hence one makes a living and not an experience. For one to create life, the individual would require the stressful but well-paying job. In such a situation should not make up the primary source for one’s identification. One should get involved in a position that does not necessarily require justification from other people (Kenny, 1992). According to Aristotle virtue develops from teachings and habits.

As one continues to learn different things, the knowledge of the things acquired evolve into a virtue. Similarly practicing the academic activities develops a virtue, (Aristotle, 1999). People are said to be right if the people practice the right things. On the other hand, people may seem wrong if associated with bad things or bad company. Bonhoeffer believes that every individual has a responsibility to carry out when born. The individual fails to accomplish the intended obligation as the people think that God has a unique calling, (Bonhoeffer, 2010).

The people hence wait for Gods calling. The calling still relates to the primary responsibilities of different individuals at birth. The people, therefore, fulfill the obligation after God’s calling.

In conclusion, I would say that identity deems complex and changes over time as a representation of oneself. People have ample of identification such as with the family members, the hobbies and interests, siblings, political party a sports club and much more. Job due to the dynamic nature and many demerits, one should not view a position in the workplace as the primary source of identity.

As much as a job seems right, a person performing the related task should as well prove as being correct. As we see in the today’s society, there are so many people in the high profession that are bad, (Moraga, & Anzaldúa, 2015). For example, the doctors who associate with the evil people to kill a person while in the hospital or to sell a child does not fit well in the category of the right people even though in a job that everybody would dream of becoming. As well not all people work in places such as the bars fit in the category of the wrong people. Our job titles should not define the people we are. Every person irrespective of the job title have an actual life outside the workplace.

The job comprises of only what we do to earn a living but not the identity of the person. As usual, the title at the workplace gets out of the people’s mind immediately we stop working at the position we worked. For the right deeds done in our entire life to others, the acts never leave the peoples mind. The proper actions come from own beliefs and the values of a person. Therefore, the values and beliefs constant in one’s life constitute the primary source of identification.


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Work and Identity. (2021, May 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/work-and-identity/

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