Why the Arthurian Legend is Still Alive in the Modern World

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The Arthurian legend’s existence in modern society is captured in numerous tomes of the Le Morte d’Arthur. In the very first book, the actions of Uther are a typical depiction of the misuse of power exhibited by current leaders and politicians. Uther Pendragon lusts for Igrayne, the Duke of Cornwall’s wife, who after her refusal of his efforts. flees the castle with her husband, but Uther follows them and eventually takes Igraine under the guise of her husband, while her real husband dies. Uther appears to be accustomed to his desires, and he uses his power and influence to ensure that he gets what he wants irrespective of the moral challenges involved.

Igrayne represents an item of desire. which in the modern world may represent economic supremacy, weapons, natural gas, minerals, or even personal wealth gains. Kings and elected leaders have been associated with wars, corruption scandals, murder, and persecution of the opposition throughout history and it occurs to date. Leaders in today’s setting will manipulate or even use propaganda to support their agendas where wars and subjecting others to torture and coercion to gain an advantage are common. Democratic nations are not exempt to the concept, with mud-smearing campaigns being the order of the day to discredit or eliminate opponents politically.

Today’s society has minimal regard for right or wrong and often engages both aspects in pursuit of advantages and positions of power. The tale of Lancelot Du Lake is set as a heroic tale of a knight who takes on the forces of Evil and immorality in his expedition. His choice to seek knightly adventures exposes him to different situations in which he helps, mainly damsels-in-distress, and gains favor for his actions. Lancelot is depicted as being charismatic and as a result, women fall for him. The knightly ways contribute to his impact on the community, while his popularity follows his acts of helping the oppressed. By putting his life on the line, Lancelot has a unique profile of the Knights of the Round Table, and although he is not acting on the King’s orders, his actions are upright and justifiable.

Lancelot is today’s definition of a hero, as well as a soldier. The current world has its tournaments and giants, which require a mastery of skill as well as self-drive for a positive yield. The case of ant-terrorist efforts by governments and institutions is an area where “Lancelot” can be found. Soldiers and other military men involved in national security, illegal drug prevention programs, and crimes fighting among others are part of the modern Lancelot. The contributions of the characters follow the Good versus Evil battle that has been raging for years in different settings.

King Author is described in the book as the perfect leader, from the sword, challenges, and teachings he receives, but like many of today’s world leaders was a result of adversity. The circumstances around the conception of Arthur are not ideal for the family setting, with deceit being among the irregularities. The situation has similarities with some of the most prolific leaders in society as in the case of Former President Obama, who hardly knew his father and was majorly brought up by his grandmother. In conclusion, the story may be fictional, but the similarities it has to the current society are endless.

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Why the Arthurian Legend is Still Alive in the Modern World. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-the-arthurian-legend-is-still-alive-in-the-modern-world/

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