Developing and Sustaining High-Performance Work Teams

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One characteristic of a performance-driven team is open communication. Open communication occurs when all members of a team are able to express their opinions freely that are considered in decision-making (Grand Canyon University, 2018). This is important, as members feel valued by the organization enhancing their commitment.

Open communication is also important as it allows the flow of information from one person to another as well as between different organizational power hierarchies. An organization that creates an open communication allows for creativity since members are able to come up and share new ideas that may improve some of the organizational processes (Grand Canyon University, 2018).

Another characteristic of a performance-driven team is trust and mutual respect where members support and motivate one another. Trust and mutual respect are the foundations on which all high performing teams are established.

This means that members avoid behaviors and decisions that may hurt other members of the organization (Gandolfi & Stone, 2018). Trust and mutual respect creates an atmosphere where members are comfortable with one another and rely on one another in performing certain roles. Members are also committed to the achievement of the team’s objectives.

Without trust and mutual respect, there can be no corporation and responsibility within a team affecting the achievement of the team’s objectives (Gandolfi & Stone, 2018). This will also affect collaboration among team members which is vital for the success of the team. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that is encouraged by personal rewards. This arises within a person due to the satisfaction and benefit that a person derives from engaging in a certain behavior (Gandolfi & Stone, 2018).

On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is encouraged by external rewards such as money, promotion, or praise. This may also influence individuals to engage in a certain behavior to avoid punishment or something unpleasant (Grand Canyon University, 2018). It is important to understand intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in a team setting since these drives individual behaviors.

This may be used to understand why team members may make certain decisions. A team leader can also use this understanding to motivate employees to engage in certain activities that they may have no interest in through certain rewards (Grand Canyon University, 2018). This will encourage team members to improve their performance to achieve the goals of the team.


  1. Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, Leadership Styles, and Servant Leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4), 261-269.
  2. Grand Canyon University. (2018). Nursing Leadership and Management: Leading and Serving. Grand Canyon University.


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Developing and Sustaining High-Performance Work Teams. (2020, Sep 21). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/types-of-motivation/



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