The Road Less Traveled: A Story of Adversity, Acceptance, and Change

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Prompt: Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

On a lazy summer day, I read I Love You, Michael Collins, a story in which a child writes letters to Michael Collins because he is the less celebrated hero of the moon landing. At times, such as in the case of astronaut Collins, it becomes necessary to take on responsibilities that are not necessarily the most desirable. I thought about Michael Collins, and I realized I was in much the same position at my school. I had become the Michael Collins of Matoaca High School.

My entire life, I have been the person who takes the road less traveled; I have never been known to make conventional decisions. During my sophomore year, I took on the challenging responsibility of advocating for a Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) club. Founding the club was a daunting yet necessary task. Becoming its leader made me available to hatred and criticism from the student body. For years, being ridiculed by my peers was genuinely unnerving. Receiving the occasional offensive remark from passersby in the hallway left me petrified and frozen in my tracks. Vulgar comments on my social media posts left me in ruins. Eventually, though, it dawned on me that being fearful of adversity only allowed my power to be stripped away.

Early in the formation of the GSA, I encountered my most brutal obstacle, one that required maturity and bravery. My hand-made posters were torn down, ripped to shreds, and tossed aside within one day of being hung up. I felt devastated by this immensely personal attack. I was not prepared to handle defeat before the club was even fully established. From this, I realized that hatred towards the LGBT+ community is an ongoing problem plaguing our society, even among youth. For me, this episode served as a source of motivation to work even harder.

By creating the club, I learned the importance of supporting those that feel isolated. In my experience coming out, my family was supportive. After revealing to my family that I identify as gay, I felt liberated. For the first time, I finally felt like myself. My mother and I cried together as she held me tightly in her arms. At that moment, I felt extremely vulnerable and exposed. My mom said words that I will never forget, “Evan, you are still the same son that I have always loved. Nothing will ever change that.” From that moment, my bond with her has been unbreakable.

My family scheduled gay pride events, and proudly flew the rainbow flag. My family embraced my true identity. I will forever be grateful to have had an accepting family; it is a right denied to so many. For many teenagers who tell their parents they are part of the LGBT+ community, it can be horrendous and painful. Many, including some in my own life, are disowned or unloved. The idea that someone may be truly alone with no support was unacceptable to me; it kept me awake at night. I felt the need to provide a safe space for anyone at my school in this position.

I also realized as I read the book that the moon landing in 1969 coincided with the Stonewall riots. I began pondering the progress society has made but also how far is left to go. As I enter the next chapter in my life, I will demonstrate the same maturity and resiliency as I did in founding the club. I will continue to face adversity: an inevitable part of life. But I will remain undaunted in my pursuit of change and will work to create acceptance for all. Fifty years into the future, I hope that I can look back with pride.

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The Road Less Traveled: A Story of Adversity, Acceptance, and Change. (2022, Dec 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-road-less-traveled-a-story-of-adversity-acceptance-and-change/

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